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    Thanks to freedom of speech we’ve also given the biggest misogynists on the planet the right to call any woman that believes in basic biology a “TERF.”

    And an atheist is a sinner according to the hardcore religious. What's your point?

    What “false” and “alarmist” things has Dave said? If you're worried about alarmism, talk to the hyperbolic gender fascists.

    Antireligious views are no different, yet even your worst cultist can define what a woman is, and manages to accept that most others have different beliefs.

    Apparently you have to be an emotional child to become a supporter of terrorist groups these days...

    You should look up the definition of gatekeeping, kiddo…

    Looking at the responses to your comment, who are the reactionaries again?

    In your world of Idiocracy, I'm sure everyone who disagrees with you is.

    I’m laughing at you’re getting triggered over nothing and wasting the energy to comment on it, if that makes you feel any better.

    Minor undetected alignment issues where over time the point of landing changes could create potential for an imperfect connection on landing.

    Sweet. Should be interesting to see how they handle Sue Wanda’s face condition... She’s gotta look deformed but probably shouldn't completely gross out and distract the viewer.

    You'll only play games that you have to subscribe to play? How sad and limiting.

    A woman who doesn’t think being a woman is cosplay is just a woman. Don’t be a misogynist piece of shit.

    Ugh. The RAV4 doesn't compare well with the Outback at all. The Outback has such a cozier interior and WAY better ride quality.

    LOL. Never happens...

    I’m on my 4th Subaru, had two WRXs, a bug-eye for 12+ years. Still waiting for this head gasket issue internet parrots repeat...

    He needs mental health for believing in basic biology? OK, groomer...

    How does that Billie Elish rambling thing constitute being a “song”? How her and her brother ever became famous, I’ll never understand…

    I don’t think it’s offending anybody - the character/actress has absolutely no presence. I don’t really even understand what the purpose of this show was… This doesn’t seem like an actual “superhero/comic book character” worth developing. A lot of it just seems like they’re really reaching to create ANY sort of…

    This has to easily be the worst of the Marvel shows. Moments just sit there on the screen without any energy or life. I’m honestly surprised they released this to the public… There’s no real story or character to care about or anything that hasn’t been done before, and the native American stuff is just silly. Feels