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    Because Ringo’s drum performance in Eleanor Rigby is so unforgettable... Oh wait, he doesn't play on the song because there are no drums.

    On what planet are you living where you can’t find articles about dozens of men posing as women commiting sexual assault and trying to get their way into serving their prison time in women's prisons???

    I’m sure most groomers would agree with you.

    LOL. Nothing says being a supporter of trans and gays like using being trans/gay as an insult… I think most normal people on the right and left would kill themselves before lowering themselves to having any feelings for pervs and crossdressers, but you do you…

    It’s as if people who live to be offended have no sense of humor. 

    You’re talking to a bunch of angry racist boys in dresses. Don’t waste the oxygen. Perv-groomers were never Dave’s audience in the first place…

    “Transphobia”… believing in basic biology, like 99% the population. Calling out men for treating being a woman like cosplay.

    Maybe he can show how much he loves women by treating being one like cosplay and threatening violence against TERFs for being disgusted with his perversions? Would that be “woke” enough for ya, comrade?

    “Red-pilled” = people with a sense of humor?

    “Woke”, “two genders”?!?

    LOL. It’s as if far-leftists are completely incapable of self awareness…

    It looks absolutely nothing like a Corolla anymore than you’re average BMW 3 Series does… But yeah, all those Corolla with hood scoops and flared fenders on the road. So easy to mistake it for a Subie.

    It’s so unappealing that most reviews are very good, this review ends with the reviewer considering buying one for his fleet. Yeah, TERRRRIBLE cars…

    So you’ve never used it? There’s a clock/weather/current track at the top section. It’s also configurable… Most of the rest of the screen would be your Apple CarPlay/Android. Bottom is for the AC/seat heaters. What have they “made up” to put in it? It’s already perfectly set up the way it is…

    You’ve gotta be kidding. It looks absolutely nothing like a Corolla… The body shape is actually pretty sweet. I love the way the curves wrap back towards the rear and I think they’ve perfected the front of the WRX. 

    Gotta be my favorite Impreza generation of all time, though I’m nostalgic for the bug-eyes. The regular Impreza hatchback looks great, and all this WRX needs is something to be done about the rear bumper/diffuser design.

    No, it’s like buying a Toyota but when you drive it off the lot it’s just a bad parody of a car, often slowing down for no apparent reason, and with none of the good build quality of any of Toyota’s other cars…

    There was some good design and I’m sure lots of hard work by the crew, but there is no great film trapped inside. The entire thing, from characters to story, was an uninspired lump that never should have been made without a complete rewrite, preferably with some sort of outside help. 

    This is such a weird hodgepodge of bad takes…

    LOL. A 20 year old PC isn’t what most would refer to as “beefy”, but you do you…