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    How dare you assume his pronouns, you walkin’, talkin’ stereotype…

    Not just fanboys but “fascist” fanboys…

    What a weird take... Does your generation actually ever go outside or do you just view the world through memes?

    Nah, kiddo… Breakfast at a tasty local cafe is a wonderful thing. No need to be cynical about it.

    Relax, incel.

    Then you probably aren’t a pizza geek…

    You’ve clearly never made a pizza before…

    For the reasons already explained in the responses.

    A lot of this stuff barely qualifies as “music”… That blonde in the Boy Genius band should seriously consider hiring a ghost singer for her studio recordings. It’s clear she has no vocal cords or diaphram, all her singing sounds so devoid of any emotion or feeling. I’m surprised the kid has made it this far in the

    Thanks for reminding me how ridiculously terrible the dialog for The Last Jedi was… 

    No crumple zones + hard and flat edged sheet metal means a lot of passengers in other cars may wind up in pieces after a collision with a Cybertruck. It could get ugly. I anticipate many lawsuits.

    Getting hit by any flying panel of a car can’t be fun or safe but I'm scared to think what will happen to nearby pedestrians that happen to be in the path of a flying piece of hard and flat sheet metal from one of these things.

    I can’t tell if he’s referring to the far-right or far-left National Socialists.

    LOL. Using gay as an insult rocks… You know, with AIDS and it being sodomy and all that vile stuff.

    Because right in between those two things is a far-leftist/cancer.

    She/Her Ziegler is just so gross. How she’s managed to still have a career this long is a miracle. The loathsome look of entitlement on she/her face is absolutely nauseating… Gotta be one of the most awful “celebrities” we’ve had to put up with since Satan.

    Bunch of “misogynists” or just one lonely white knight incel with too much time on his hands...

    If you’re going to write about Hunter why no story about him filming himself speeding while smoking meth? It’s not like there aren't tons of ugly stories about the creep.

    Look at the pelicans, mang!

    ??? How on earth are you trying to compare the Renegade to an Outback Wilderness??? The OBW almost has cushy Lexus-like suspension. The Renegade feels like an old junky rental car in comparison.