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    Earth is and will be just fine…


    Anxious to see what uncolonized land these angry and entitled leftists are going to migrate to... I’m curious to see what sort of flag they fly in their colony.

    Because it’s been discussed before... Why on earth would that trigger you? There are no openings for the internet police position, you’re going to have to find a new line of work.

    She never should have hired whatshisname in the first place. The Last Jedi ruined whatever hope there was for a decent trilogy. 

    What “racism”? 

    One pedal driving on winding roads in an EV is no fun whatsoever. It’s a constant fight.

    You should watch more American movies, kiddo…

    Warzone is a lot of fun but it helps having a four man squad... We have an absolutely terrible player in ours yet still manage to get a victory every now and then. Try Resurgence Mode. It’s more forgiving.

    Beef seemed like a decent 90 minute idea. I just skipped through most of it by the end, but there was clearly no need to drag things out for what seemed like several dozen episodes…

    Fishes was just silly... My Italian family is pretty crazy but East Coast Christmases are absolutely nothing like that… Life isn’t contrived shaky cam scenes without any compelling dialog or human interaction.

    As somebody who worked in kitchens my whole life, I never knew there was supposed to be a single moment of tension in The Bear. Doesn’t really capture what it’s like behind the scenes of a restaurant… And that “Fishes” episode was little more than annoying. Just such a strange and silly show. The lead guy always looks

    Don’t forget, they’re apparently “incel” critics… I love how the kids of Generation Idiocracy try to reduce film discussions to, “virgin boogeyman in my head lives rent free, bad movie = good, so, wahh!”

    I haven’t found a positive review yet. Most are giving it a generous C…

    Warzone dies and everyone I know will move on from CoD and find a different game to play...

    LOL. People who are difficult to work with also get the label but don't pass up a chance for some weak attempt at victimizing women. 

    You seem to be obsessed with race. Not healthy...

    What’s “tarted up” about it? All the additions are pretty cool.

    You must be a blast during Looney Toons Hour...

    Don’t enable this person. No normal person thinks “I am, because, akin to other racialized and marginalized bodies, its visibility comes with the constant threat of danger.”