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    As a Californian, the past 2.5 years have been a great time to explore this lovely state. This article reads like you were forced to lock yourself in a tiny space. Restaurants were still open, hotel rates were low and hiking trails were less crowded.

    Dead Kennedys eats both of these bands for breakfast. Though I wouldn’t put Gang of Four in a discussion about RAtM in the first place. Totally different bands… Though they were a great precursor to XTC, no doubt.

    Faith is George’s only real album. LWP has one good song (Freedom!) and that’s pretty much about it. Older never should have even been released. You could have AI write a better collection of George Michael music…

    The Dreaming is the sound of an 80’s performer dicking around in the studio before learning how to write vapid pop songs. If it wasn’t for Stranger Things we wouldn’t even be talking about Kate. She was a horrible singer and songwriter. Her “work” is a reminder of how bad 80’s pop could be. Nothing more.

    Trans supes killing “terfs”

    Swimming... He passed out in his hot tub. Most likely from drinking. You clearly don't have the virtue to do any signaling, creep.

    Crazy to see so many regressives letting their inner antisemitism fly.


    What kind of vile inhuman trash tries to justify Hamas using hospitals and other public buildings as giant human shields?… Just say you hate Jews…

    Projection only offers your perspective, comrade.

    Knee-jerk faux outrage knows no bounds. It’s the lifeblood of many regressives.

    Meh… I watched the first two episodes. The recaps are enough for me. The Boys doesn’t need spinoffs. The show is barely a few years old… Reading this recap makes me wonder why I started watching in the first place. It’s sort of a mess.

    Nothing we can do about the trans cult, bro. Now than entitled white males think being a woman is just cosplay, what can we do about these animals?

    LOLOL. “Woke” people are so sensitive, they can’t even talk about wokeism without fear quotes. Y’all have turned into parodies of yourselves, you weird little pronouners.

    but aside from getting it mostly right they got it entirely wrong”

    How’s the whole “making fun of majorly successful actors for getting old” workin’ out for ya, kiddo?

    I’m sure Dreyfuss know a bit more about what went down during the Jaws shoot than the kid who wrote this play, but I’m a sensitive far-leftist so I’ll just rant about how he’s older than me and has different opinions from me while I’ll never accomplish 1% of what he did in my lifetime… But I DO support men being women

    Of course. You’re a wokenstein. You live to be offended...

    Just talk to some Tesla owners. EVs clearly have more issues than ICE cars, often much worse and more expensive to repair. 

    “Vs are much easier to understand than modern vehicles. They honestly feel more like 90s cars”