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    Just take the L, kiddo… Your issues with race are your issues. Don’t hang your crap on strangers, it’s creepy.

    And your comment is something only a person obsessed with race would say - with a crooked and scowling face.

    “Full of yourself” and “cocky” are often applied to confident individuals.

    Terminal virginity is a horrible disease. May they get the help they need…

    “Forced” third person??? When was it NOT supposed to be a FPS?

    The first one didn’t need to be made in the first place. Zuckerberg is barely a person interesting enough to make a 30 minute investigative piece about, let alone an entire movie… Then again, the first 5 minutes is the most vapid intro to any movie I’ve ever seen.

    I still haven’t seen more than the first 20 minutes of that thing. From what I’ve heard, it doesn’t sound like the rest of it is any more compelling or entertaining. 

    I thought they shelved it.

    Most streamers allow you to download playlists as does Apple Music, so internet shouldn't be an issue. 

    They didn’t try that. Odds are he’s talking about making Star Wars movies that would have stuck with the main characters having major storylines. Probably a Luke that would have suited up and faught in battle, a Han Solo with a different arch, odds are he could have come up with a better antagonist considering what we

    He actually wants to make a sequel (or even a trilogy) to tell what happened after Return of the Jedi... Most likely having Luke and company as major characters. 

    It’s “bigoted” to want women’s rights and believe in biological sex? Let me guess, you’re a crossdresser that hates women. 

    That was a lot of indisputable facts. Prepare for a lot of emotion… Even in the age of the internet where every fetishist that wants to harm you won’t even take the time to look up what you’re talking about.

    I love it. Women speaking up for their rights = downfall…

    That’s nothing new, comrade… Look at the “silent majority” that was LITERALLY silent during 100+ straight days (not just one afternoon) of rioting and assault by anarchists ironically posing as “anti fascist” - they tried burning down buildings with people in them… $1,000,000,000+ in damage. Downtowns in some areas

    “ the majority of people think most trans people are men who are transitioning to sexually assault women”

    These comments are so funny… Her writing stands on her own. As does her sex. JK has had lots of issues with misogynist men in the past. Clearly fetishists like yourself are drawn to her for that reason.

    Wow. You must be fun in women’s bathrooms!


    These are the sort of vile, violent and misogynist animals she has to deal with. Absolutely creepy to see this small percentage of gender fash that so desperately put the rights of white men with fetishes over the rights of women.