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    What an ironic comment. Fetishists who mutilate themselves to try to cosplay the opposite sex DON’T HAVE ORGASMS. LO to the mothereffing L… Oh, and sadly, they can’t reproduce, either.

    The thing is, if misogynists keep shaming her, they’re hoping people will ignore all of the serious issues she posts about… Personally, I think the prison thing is great. If I ever go to jail, being to spend my time with the ladies is pretty friggin’ cool. Even if I’m a convicted rapist.

    Meh. Screw the Potter game… There’s a pervy dude in a dress within the first hour of the game. At the library or something… Shorted game I’ve ever played. $60 to play 1/2 tutorial is not cool.

    Considering we “murder” animals for food, I’d argue that mutilating children and destroying women’s rights ARE probably a bit more important than book burnings and animal murder, eh?

    You got 50+ upvotes for a hyperbolic comment where not a single thing you wrote was true… No better representation here of the trans movement than your post. Thanks for being honest about how dishonest male fetishists are.

    You can’t be serious, kiddo… “Suffragette”?

    Your little bubble sounds frighteningly small. 1-in-3 convicted male rapists serving time in prison have somehow magically turned into women while in prison - all of them asking to be moved in with the ladies. We’re talking CONVICTED RAPISTS (rape isn’t a trans right, FYI). We’ve got misogynist fetishists magically

    I don’t think you’re going to succeed talking about the majority of people concerned about a movement that’s both shitting on women’s rights and mutilating children as a bad thing, no matter how dishonestly you try to spin it. Using the term “phrenology” as a term was hilarious, though… Frankenstein doctors bragging

    Wanting rights for women isn’t a “phobia”. Trying to reduce being a woman to cosplay is a creepy and fucked up fetish, though…

    You SERIOUSLY don’t think “the right wing” are the only people who strongly believe in biological sex and that they’re the only people informed about detransitioners, “gender confirmation” clinics getting sued and shut down, the amount of convicted male rapists in jail who all of a sudden have magically turned into

    Biological women should shut up and go back to the kitchen. Entitled men who have a fetish to dress up in tired stereotypes definitely should have everything they want and demand… Just because every pro-trans demonstration seems like a violent festival of misogyny, doesn’t mean angry violent men shouldn’t be able to

    No Basketball Diaries? And Inception should be on the worst list. 

    You also need to acknowledge successful people take advantage of the opportunities in their lives and figure out how to live your own... Everything she said was absolutely reasonable, no need to try to spin it.

    Yay for leftist buzzwords... All the male characters should be woke virtue signalers. That’d be a much better way of telling a story from decades ago...

    Does capitalizing “Toxic Masculinity” make your empty claim any less embarrassing?

    There’s absolutely no issue. The issue is with soulless people who have so little going on in their lives, contribute nothing to the world, and they’ve been reduced to resenting people for being happy. 

    Selling and promoting alcohol = “craven” = LOL

    Thanks for projecting your creepy fetishes on a completely innocuous interview. 

    I love how a movie with a crossdresser is supposedly about “female empowerment”… Hire an actual woman instead of a bad parody next time, eh?

    Jamie Clayton as a female Pinhead”