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    I forgot Parasite existed… There was like a month or two when you couldn’t stop hearing about it. Way too much hype for that thing. Dude’s movies are okay at best. 

    You’ve gotta be fucking kidding. If you’re going to be a faux-outrage moron, at least be outraged about something real.

    In other words; you’re an entitled white person that doesn’t see the crime where they live nor in the news they read, so who cares about armed robbery and assault. They’re just trying to get bread for their families...

    “But the panel gaps” is ignoring “I hope the steering wheel doesn’t fall off”, “why is my brand new $40k car squeaking?”, “is phantom braking a feature?”, “why is there only a half coat of paint?”, and so on and so forth...

    Are people supposed to have a second vehicle just for small grocery runs so they can avoid your petty snark?

    You’re talking to an entire echo chamber that ignores criminality. I doubt most of the comrades here are familiar with Hunter Biden’s creepy crimes, the billions of dollars in leftist anarchist (they’re just an idea) attacks or the fact gender clinics in the U.S. are getting sued and are shutting down… This comment

    The two don’t compare that closely. The Outback has a longer wheelbase, more sound proofing and damping. They drive and feel very differently. 

    Fuck off with that whiny shit. These are hardly harmful stereotypes... Fucking fascists are so dishonest with their outrage.

    LOL... You don’t know a single lesbian, in other words. You just act like you support them when feeding your faux outrage.

    LOL… Honestly, how much of the U.S. population are gender weirdos? Dudes drift towards the things that make them look manly - lotta stereotypical cars for men/women, still worth marketing to… Living at an apartment complex, it’s fairly easy to tell what gender owns which car. Dudes don’t put pink license plate frames

    All of those companies make enjoyable to drive cars so your drive to/fro work ISN’T a slog… Better than being stuck driving a lame-ass penis extension/status symbol from Germany - and a lot less humiliating…

    I hope you can stay in the right side of your lane! Sounds like it’s hard for you.

    You didn’t list the problem; cyclists don’t have to take a test or get a license to be a rolling dangerous nuisance.

    Can’t help it if cyclists are morons. Most can’t even stay on the right side of a six-foot lane...

    Because... Of the weather? You ever leave the house in the winter?

    He’s probably a terrible cycling... I was recently making a sharp turn on a windy road, going the speed limit. A Cali bimbo on a bike was riding so badly going the opposite way, she wasn’t on the edge of her bike lane - she was in my lane, wobbling towards me. She almost hit me and yelled at me to slow down... Idiot

    Most of you are apparently incapable of staying on the right side of the your bike lane yet you keep wondering why idiots in EVs and sedans are flying almost hitting you...

    As a Californian, I look forward to seeing one of these cycliss that actually knows how to ride in a straight line and stop weaving around, almost hitting cars. The bike lane is 4, wide. What’s the big challenge? Y’all keep riding like you do; you’re just mobile speed bumps...

    Don’t forget people like Eric Clanton! Though I doubt his dad was a cop, LOL.

    I’ll cue the, “most cyclists are so incapable of riding in a straight line that they seem to hover inches away from the car lane instead of simply riding on the right side of the bike lane - AWAY FROM CARS.”