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    This is the dumbest thing I’ve read on the internet in a while. People did not choose to walk anywhere if they had a choice. You’d hop on your horse even just to visit your neighbor.

    Because you’re not cheap and want to ride to work in comfort, especially in the winter? Maybe your job involves equipment you can't lug around on a little bicycle, maybe you carpool? I can come up with a dozen reasons not to be stuck riding a bike during my commute.

    LOL... So much fun getting to lug my groceries several miles on a bike when I can just make a little more effort to find a parking place...

    To transition to a woman, doesn’t he also need to embrace tired stereotypes and put on womanface, too? I hear the make up and pronouns are what magically makes you transform…

    Pronouns in your bio just means, “DO NOT HIRE” for people reviewing resumes. “They/them” means, “DEPOSIT IN TRASHCAN IMMEDIATELY”

    Why? Illegal immigration DOES need to stop, regardless of how useless and entitled younger generations are, you CAN’T just waltz into a country and expect them to coddle you and wipe your bottom.

    This whole “suicide by sloth” is such a strange part of western culture, considering how much obesity is such an issue in America. I hope the enablers here stop trying to push people to ruin themselves. “Get diabetes, put on Womanface and cut your penis off! Welcome to ‘progressive’ America.”

    I can’t believe nobody’s called you a transphobe yet… Hopefully people here understand why gender clinics are starting to get shut down. The lawsuits are just starting…

    The person you’re responding to may also be pro-“gender affirming care”, so I don’t blame you. Genital mutilation is no joke.

    I have no idea who the guy is but he’s wrong. My parents did me a favor because I sure as heck wouldn’t have wanted to go through circumcision when I was older and I don’t want a schong that looks like a Dune sand worm, thanks.

    LOL. Nothing says “fight the patriarchy” by letting entitled men completely take away women’s rights to their own sporting events. That’ll show those pesky men!

    “Hi, I’m an entitled white dude that loves to wear women’s clothing even though it isn’t made for my body. I like to play Groomer so I can push my ideology on kids so I can get off on little boys wearing dresses, too. It’s fun to debate women’s right to equality but I really, really love treating being a woman as

    I guess when it comes to dangerous cults we should listen to kids most brainwashed by them, too? Great idea, groomer…

    He has just as much as a right to discuss women’s rights than the creepy groomer dude in the dress does. Stay fashy, though. It suits you…

    Trans in sports examples aren’t rare - and “using a cudgel to remove all trans rights” is quite a sentence. If you typed it with a straight face, you’re a special kind of special.

    Does getting breast implants make it so a person can’t have children or experience an orgasm ever again? Strange comparison… We don’t teach innocent kids about “breast affirming care” to appease gender fetishists, do we?

    Because the propaganda you read most likely doesn’t discuss biological men dominating women’s sports or the misogyny for even discussing it. Men assaulting women for speaking out is getting tiresome. Wouldn’t be nice to see some of the people from the Alphabet Mafia to actually speak out against it instead of

    Or they’re Chloe Cole or some other detransitioner with a mulitated body and a lifetime of therapy thanks to the gender cult. Chewed up, spit out, never to be acknowledge again… There’s a good reason “gender affirming clinics” are starting to get shut down in this country and others.

    Stomach turning.