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    I never made it through much of Creed but how on earth it wound up on the best list, I’ll never understand. What were they thinking? They’d already milked the series to death. Should have let the character die with the last Rocky movie.

    99% of the commenters here were born without any sense of self-awareness, instead they were born with a raging sense of entitlement and little else. OF COURSE he/him/they/them doesn’t get it…

    Jeez, you make it sound like the guy used the wrong pronouns with you, kiddo! I take it your privileged little self has never set foot in a low-income southern town, eh?

    How on earth is having an agent “selling your soul”?

    To be fair, if he was in your approved group of people and sang the exact same thing, you’d be fawning over him.

    LOL. As you refer to an article from the press… She hasn’t stepped foot in a “court of law” any more than he has. They’ve both filed papers. And FYI: She’s not going to sleep with you.

    Being woke = having so little self awareness you don’t even know what the word means. How did people posing as “progressive” turn into such dumb cultists in such a short time? A decade ago they were focused on the environment, now it’s castrating and mutilating children and trying to convince everyone how unhappy and

    You wanna actually discuss the movie or just try to make an anonymous person you don’t even know into a boogeyman that doesn’t exist?

    Where on earth did you get THAT from his comment??? It’s as if there’s a section of the internet that is incapable of discussing movies without strictly focusing on whatever victimization was milked to death by a handful of bad bloggers…

    I assume searching the internet to find out about all of the teachers and employees that have had their lives ruined is just too much of an inconvenience for you?


    The only thing you need to diminish BLM is 5 minutes of research.

    The Alphabet Mafia is about as violent and authoritarian as it gets.

    Nothing more vile than gender fascists. Even the worst of the religious cultists have never tried to force such ridiculous crap on the public.

    Peak toxic masculinity is treating being a woman like cosplay so you incels can finally get in contact with a girl, groomer...

    Imagine being so thin skinned you can’t accept what pronouns people use for your sex... Y’all are gonna have to interact with the outside world at some point!

    I think people have a problem with you Nazis grooming and mutilating children. It’s the removing people's body parts us normal folk have issue with... 

    Like children’s genitalia? It ain’t the “Nazis” acting like fascists when it comes to making a joke of sex and gender... Nazis aren’t the ones dying to erase women, and castrate kids, comrade.

    There's no misogyny on the left? Ask your average feminist or lesbian the treatment they get from angry male fetishists. Heck, the left destroyed women right down to the definition of the word.

    Life-saving = chemical castration and mutilation. JFC is right.