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    21st century misogyny seems so innocent when you appropriate the troubles of POC.

    White gender fetishists just can’t even grasp the concerns of women while treating being a woman like cosplay. AND you’re a misogynist? Shocker!

    I’m sure the 10 incel gender cultists that live in a fantasy world will be pleased.

    Imagine being such an entitled weirdo that you obsess over pronouns when the entire universe already knows how to refer to you.

    That’s a strange argument. Creating new characters isn’t the same as using familiar ones… I also don’t think he’s watched a second of the HBO “adaptation” nor intends to.

    Heck, you think that’s bad? Try to make an ounce of sense out of this madness;

    Jeez - sounds like he scared the pronouns out of that one poor girl! Now she has to spend the rest of her life being a plural clown… Justin should get the death penalty on that crime alone!

    Current “medical professionals” can’t even agree on what a woman is, nor were they particularly honest during COVID. But yes, don’t be a political extremist / neo-fash / gender-fash / commie/nazi/etc. 

    I’m just curious when that letter was sent… Either way, it doesn’t reek of “believe all victims”, but if this letter was written now, after all of the evidence was presented and he was found guilty and sentenced, making the effort to write it seems in pretty bad taste.

    How would you compare any of the issues he’s talking with to the technical advancements you mentioned? They have nothing to do with each other…

    “Titus has dreadlocks and is aggressively preoccupied with getting guests a boatload of weed.”

    Now that he’s a convicted rapist there’s a 33% chance he’ll “identify” as a woman so he can continue to do his business in a women’s prison while the pervs who enabled this crap won’t say a thing... Go, Patriarchy!

    You sure you clicked on the right video? There’s not a “misogynist” moment in the trailer… Just curious, can you even DEFINE what a “woman” is? If not, misogyny should hardly be something you even care about.

    Too bad the guy still hasn’t figured out how to create characters or a story… Instead, his schtick is expositionfests, bad audio mixes and time puzzles.

    Chill out, pervo… 

    More articles like this are hopefully going to give the EV-fash psychos a bit of perspective.

    “Incels” and “Nazis” = people who have different opinions?

    It’s a scary world out there if you can’t handle a harmless Democrat talking about “random” things, kiddo. 

    The image you posted doesn’t have anything to do with the strike or fair share. It’s a little arbitrary list written by a millennial that hasn’t created anything in his life outside of his own Wikipedia page.

    LOL. The writer also somehow managed to write more movies with IMDB ratings LOWER than “Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death” - all without Maher, comrade