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    Yeah, Democrats are so… edgelordy. You sure he’s not a “nazi”, too, comrade?

    Or you’re a walking parody of the word “woke” with skin thinner than an amoeba and the maturity of a kid in Montessori? Just a thought, kid

    Such a strange article. Without putting words in Bill’s mouth you don’t really have much of a story… “he denigrated his writers” (by saying he loved them), “Gaffigan looked like he was in a hostage video” (WHICH video? Not the Club Random episode you’re referring to), “Maher doesn’t think writers deserve payment”

    You didn’t read his question, apparently. ..Why did Aaron agree to do El Camino if he wasn’t happy working with Netflix? Did they hold him for ransom? Did he already spend the millions of dollars he agreed to work for?

    Welcome to the Age of Entitlement. I guarantee you every person whining about this crap has their pronouns displayed in ALL-CAPS in as many places as possible… Probably have personal license plates with pronouns, too.

    Paul got $150,000 per episode. An actor nobody has ever heard of made over a million a year… Are you trying to say he didn’t get paid? 

    It’s as if Marxists’ greed and laziness rules over any actual brain function…

    Your take isn’t as awful as whatshisname’s weird interpretation, but don’t injure yourself making such a reach for faux outrage… FYI: Fincher was simply suggesting that his hitman is a sort of unassuming person. The type you’d see in Home Depot. FYI: he’s talking about a character. In a fictional film.

    I can't wait for snarky kids to say basically nothing, but with snark.

    I don't know... What happened to Jensen on Rust?

    Apparently even fetishist groomers have to get their game on...

    I love that you're suggesting that you asked every one of your friends if they knew about a feature that you didn't even know about... Yet somehow it was clear to me within the first hour of playing. You realize most games have a menu that shows you the controller layout?

    Because the young black murderer was OBVIOUSLY a… Republican?

    LOL! Criticism coming from a group of pondscum incapable of even defining what a woman is. You only care about “women” when it comes to crossdressing men or mutilating boys…

    To be fair, women are getting locked up with male convicted sex offender gender-pervs. Having a baby isn’t as bad as opening women’s’ prisons up to crossdressers. Gotta love entitled western men…

    Never share your automotive needs with the most miserable group of car owners in the world… LOL.

    I’d be more worried about a group of kids incapable of acknowledging the difference between men and women. And the only people who don’t care about women’s sports are gender cultists and the entitled misogynist fetishists making a mockery of women athletes.

    Because he’s an adult and a male athlete that could “identify as a woman” (whatever that even means) and instantly break every record in women’s cycling.

    I’ll never understand the virtue signaling of people with anonymous usernames... Every writer you mentioned gets their credit seen every time a person watches those movies. 

    LOL. Learn what a “nazi” is, kiddo… You fucking incels have somehow managed to remove the power from the word nazi. Congrats.