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    What interesting ideas did he introduce? He may as well have not even had the Luke Skywalker character in the film, there’s the awful casino plot, the awful Laura Dern womansplainer character, there’s isn’t really a single particularly interesting plot thread to follow, actually. I can’t think of a single compelling

    Meh. I still have yet to meet a person that likes it. Rogue One definitely is above TLJ, and I don’t like the prequels but I’ll happily sit through any of them before I ever manage to finish watching TLJ. Rian Johnson wasn’t the right guy for the job any more than JJ Abrams was.

    Your “criticisms” seem to be more focused on some sort of political boogeyman than about the film.

    I still haven’t made it through the whole thing. Only Star Wars movie I haven’t really seen and not sure I’ll ever be able to actually watch the whole movie. First 90 minutes I skipped through were really hard to stomach. At least I was able to finish the last one, as painful an experience as it was.

    Don’t feed the dishonest leftist. You point out their hypocrisy, they’ll only double-down with the bullshit.

    “The “dead center” in the States has been pulled far to the right since the 80’s.”

    Leftists don’t complain about people milking welfare or the way it keeps people from actually accomplishing anything??? You’ve gotta be kidding… Talk to a single POC some time. It won’t hurt you… I feel like most of these articles are written mostly by entitled white kids who are more concerned with their pronouns and

    You probably don’t read any semblance of news but you can find PLENTY of teachers and employees who have been cancelled by the neo-fash on the left. Eric Weinstein and his wife immediately come to mind. Lots of professors and students get in trouble for the simple crime of acknowledging biological sex.

    A lotta bitter incels in this thread… LOL

    People don’t have a “gender” so what are you worried about? 

    Sacheen Littlefeather was “indigenous”? I was under the impression she lied about it and was actually Mexican-American.

    The Outback complaint is strange. I tested and purchased a Wilderness. With premium gas it goes to 60 in under 6 seconds. Plenty peppy for daily driving. Though the ride quality is really what won me over. I feel like I’m driving the automotive equivalent of a super comfy hiking shoe.

    That’s impressive. My buddy had an early Model S for less than 10 years and had to get the battery pack changed 3 times and the drive unit needed to be replaced about every other year. Seemed like the thing was always having an issue. 

    Sounds like a scary world out there for you....

    Hopefully gender fascists will realize most people have different views than them. Ranting over innocuous comments from parents must get tiresome... 

    Obesity enabling is absolutely pathetic. “She’s eating herself into an early grave but look at my empty virtue signaling...” Worst people in the world are the soulless fools who try to put a positive spin on their apathy.

    Considering his “characters” mostly exist to spout exposition, you’d think this clown would use the cinematic tools available so viewers can actually hear his terrible dialogue.

    A walking example of America’s obesity problem masquerading as a force of “body positivity” and people are surprised she’s full of crap?

    LOL... She clearly has no burden in being perfect at all. If you’re gonna rant about Boogeymen, I’d worry about those tiresome little race-baiting healthphobes.

    Why include anything from her? She’s not a comedian… Nannette comes across like an excruciating therapy session from a misandrist with some serious anger issues. I feel bad for the lady. She’s got a sad grift - making money off of telling people how bitter she is and what a scary world she lives in. It seems to only