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    Is acknowledging biology and making jokes about fetishists appropriating womanhood really worth calling “antics”? I’m more worried about the small percentage of fascist a-holes trying to shame this guy for daring to say women have babies and other things 99% of the world agrees upon.

    Painfully awful list… No Chapelle, no Greg Geraldo, Brian Reagan, Sam Kinneson, Bill Burr, Ricky Gervais, etc.

    You must really hate America Ferrara, Margot Robbie and the rest of the actresses that were doing the same thing for the press photos… America seems particularly handsy. For shame!

    Actors putting their arms around each other for a photo shoot is “weird”??? Gods help you if you ever look inside a People magazine… Do you think cooties are an actual thing, too?

    There’s arguably not a single good scene in the entire movie… And none of the interesting plot points were ever explored. Was everybody sitting in chairs with VR goggles on? How’d they go to the bathroom??? What was the tech? Do these women have families? Friends that are worried about them? These guys were rich and

    If it makes you feel better, I’ve never been in a kitchen that was anything like the crap I saw in what little I suffered through of the Bear in my 30 years of working in restaurants. Any chef that acts like that boychild in the show is going to be working by himself pretty quickly… That is NOT how chefs/owners act.

    It takes 3 seconds to look up the definition of the word… FYI: Ariana’s not gonna fuck you.

    1) Ariana’s not going to sleep with you, 2) Seriously, she’ll never know you exist in this lifetime, 3) But yes, she’s a “woman” according to a word you’re probably incapable of defining.

    To be fair, I’d be more concerned about the church if they start obsessing with grooming confused kids, driving them to mutilate themselves. There are MUCH worse groomers out there. 

    The link you provided shows him jokingly destroying a cake, FYI… Wow. Really toxic.

    Just say you don’t like Asians (and apparently black people), Ant, instead of projecting it on someone else.

    Considering POC are the reason www.fakehatecrimes.org exists, it’s not very surprising to see POC having to make up examples of racism. Anyways, if you want to post some of the “racist” lyrics, go right ahead!

    Nothing says being a bigot like not wanting violence in your small town. I can see why that may upset a certain group of people. A’hem…

    You’re not suggesting Portland or Seattle are small towns, or that he lives in such a violent shithole… When it comes to violence and lawlessness - any thoughts on 3rd world hells like Baltimore, Chicago or every other black hood?

    To be fair - the song never mentions race and is about the idea of NOT wanting violent rioters/looters or violence in your small town. Are there really ANY people that qualify as human beings with actual souls that disagree? I live in a small town, and good gods, if a bunch of regressive animals so much as THOUGHT

    Please be projecting…

    Looks like we’re going to have to add yet ANOTHER fake hate crime to the list at https://fakehatecrimes.org/ We’re almost at 500 since Trump ran for office... Apparently racism is so bad in America that black people are constantly making up faux hate crimes in an attempt at victimizing themselves and getting

    That Ford truck thing looks like a twenty year old vehicle. It must be made from leftover parts or something...

    I’m on my 4th Subie, never had an issue with oil and never had a car that took more than 6 seconds to get to 60 MPH. My 2002 WRX lasted 14 years. I’m absolutely loving the hell out of my Outback Wilderness. The thing is a glorious road trip mobile. Super cozy interior, beautiful ride quality, great safety features,

    Compared to the cheap fleetmobile you like for whatever unknown reason, Subarus could be considered modern performance luxury cars. An Outback makes the Maverick look like 20th century junk. Really no comparison.