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    “Compromises” the manners as in making it more cushy and soaking up imperfections... That’s a GOOD thing, eh? Even my friend with an Outback XT likes how my Outback Wilderness handles. The Wilderness trim is perfect for highways.

    None, but it directs mud away from the car and is great for protection against everything from grocery carts to branches and other stuff!

    I’m curious - how do you know what a car is used for just by seeing it at a gas station, grocery store, etc? Like, you actually think just seeing a car at one spot, that means that’s all it’s used for? So, if you have a great handling sports car and somebody sees it parked at a gym that means all that car is used for

    Because a person that drives an off-road-ish adventuremobile is supposed to drive a second car for getting coffee and doing stuff around town when they aren’t going on road trips?

    Apart from Vega’s character, this show doesn’t do much in its first few episodes to include intersex and transgender folks in the conversation about how the power is distributed.”

    So, in projection terms; you aren’t an honest person capable of giving a genuine apology... Nothing you can’t fix with some personal growth, eh? Anonymous Internet Guy definitely doesn’t know what’s in this guy’s head, so it’s GOTTA be projection.

    Well, give the guy credit for not “identifying as a woman” to get sympathy points. Male sex offenders are doing it more and more every day so they can serve time in women’s prisons. Be glad this kid owned up to his mistake and is making amends. Forgiveness is healthy.

    But when it comes to sexual harassment, exploitation, victimization, and assault there is no grey area, it’s a very firm black and white situation.”

    This is coming from a person that supports the grooming and chemical castration and mutilation of children and also blindly wants men to have full access to women’s spaces?

    According to JK, she and many other women would like it that you and other male sex offenders can’t just “identify as a woman” by getting a wig and a new set of pronouns so they can serve their time in women’s prisons.

    What’s your point??? Her links and concerns are well laid out in her interviews and Twitter feed. Your Milo comments are adorable, but she had a great point - too bad you hate women too much to appreciate it; letting Milo have a platform just gave him the rope needed to hang himself. He’s pretty much vanished from

    Doesn’t make you any less of a pedo-perv gender Nazi, either... Make up your mind, Adolph; do you hate women or want to play cosplay as one?

    LOL. I guess this is where the gender nazis meet to bash on women... You groomer animals do this while wearing mommy’s dresses?

    Isn’t “TERF” what misogynist gender fetishists say to shut down women? Just say you’re a perv that hates women and be done with it, ya little Nazi boy.

    Nothing says supporting trans rights like admitting that being trans is a sexual perversion. But yes, if he wanted to force his fetishes on children, he’d have every right to hate himself, eh?

    Apparently you’re fighting the war for ::checks notes:: the grooming and chemical castration/mutilation of children, plus trying to reduce sex to gender cosplay so men with fetishes can get into women’s spaces.

    LOL. Why do the trans mafia keep repeating this lie? Has a trans person EVER been honest about ANYTHING?

    Yeah, we should just shut up and let men with fetishes for being bad walking stereotypes so we can completely destroy the spaces of about 50% of the world’s population.

    “Reverse racism”? I believe it’s just called “racism.” Denying there’s reverse racism is just code for “black people can’t be racist, even though they’re being racist.”

    LOL. “Alt-right”... I didn’t know people use that term anymore.