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    Kudos for not attempting to lie. It seems like trans people and their supporters are incapable of being honest. Glad you just took the L.

    Gender fascists are the worst kind of fash. At least the worst of the far religious right are capable of acknowledging the fact that there are athiests/agnostics in the world. Seems like there are a bunch of oversensitive cultists that were taught about appropriating tired gender stereotypes without being taught what

    I wouldn’t call men with a fetish for wearing women’s clothing “centrists.” But yes, men trying to invade women’s spaces and trample on their rights is a tale as old as time itself.

    A lot of triggered genderfash and fetishists in this thread. Who woulda thunk?

    So sad to see the amount of time you’re wasting dealing with misogynistic gender fetishists/fascists. They’re clearly incapable of being honest in any capacity. Why appease them? 99.9% of the world population are not radical cultists, whether it’s about gods or appropriating awful gender stereotypes.

    Wanting to serve the public is a hell of a lot better than “I’m going to appropriate being a woman by reducing womanhood to a stereotype so I can force my way into women’s space” - don’t let these groomers, pervs and fetishists tell ya different.

    I take it you wear her clothes, little pervboy?

    You’re never going to get through to a bunch of misogynistic gender pervs. The patriarchy doesn’t give a shit. Dudes + dresses = assholes. Let’s just be glad a lot of them are lining up to get their “manhood” chopped off. The sooner these animals lose the ability to breed or experience orgasm, we’ll be better off, eh?

    LOL. You make it sound as if the characters in the game are a bunch of gender pervs that go around posing as the opposite sex.

    Sounds like you’re talking about the fascist left, eh?

    LOL. What planet are you posting from? Spend 1 minute scrolling through Libs of TikTok and then take a long hard look at your denial for what an absolute mess wokesters are.

    Did women gain the right to vote by waiting for it to happen?”

    Go touch grass, fascist...

    LOL. The entire United States of America is “descendants of immigrants”, you silly kid!

    You tell him, kiddo! 

    The funniest thing with virtue signaling cancel culture deniers is a) they always wind up describing cancel culture in their screeds, and b) they read propaganda/media that never, ever covers things like what’s happening in academia AT ALL, so these strange kids never even hear about it.

    What awful things has JK Rowling actually said or did??? Do tell... Seems like her biggest issue is keeping pervs with a fetish for wearing women’s clothes out of women’s spaces.

    LOL. The left can’t meme... FYI: the First Amendment is what you’re trying to talk about. You should find a better meme, bro.

    I love the “there’s no such thing as cancel culture” comments that then offer some sort of strange defense for the thing they say doesn’t exist. Fucking kids these days. So strange!... A small percentage of thin-skinned and entitled children who have so little going on in their lives, they actually get satisfaction

    I have yet to meet a person that has had anything other than the effects of a light cold. Clearly there are people being affected by it, but I can’t imagine you get an ounce of satisfaction as an anonymous person virtue signaling over it online...