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    What a weird theory... Where the hell did you dream up this conspiracy theory? It seems more likely that some people just really get a sense of self righteousness for getting a shot in the arm. Your life can’t be that empty, comrade...

    Meh... I’m unvaccinated and am not a big mask wearer at all, spent the past three years of the pandemic traveling all over the west coast. For a while there, travel deals were great, hotel rates were very low. Never got so much as a cold. I could have lived in fear, thinking there’s some burden on everyone to make me

    What kind of idiotic propaganda are you reading that you in any way, shape, or form thought Joe Rogan took horse medicine???

    LOL. The whole idea of CarPlay is that you don’t have to do something so Mickey Mouse. You have BOTH the giant map screen and the controls for music. Welcome to the 21st century. I guess you still have to find and reach for a plug every time you want to charge your phone, too?

    FYI: CarPlay works via bluetooth, not wifi, and works just fine. I guess you must really like plugging in cables if you’re purposely not using a very convenient feature... Learning how to set it up properly takes less than a minute. Isn’t rocket science. Just gotta start by realizing that is has nothing to do with

    LOL. What makes you think you’re due any respect, comrade?

    I was all excited to read about a “new” mode, and wind up finding an article about the AI mode.

    I think part of the problem is that, in the case of Reacher, his physical description is literally his ENTIRE personality.”

    Lee Child has sold a billion $ in books. The character has been around for decades. Jack Reacher is quite possibly the baddest ass character in modern fiction. Like George R. R. Martin said to Lee Child, “you’re a crack dealer.” His writing is addictive. 

    Which is nothing like the book.

    The problem was, Tom Cruise played Tom Cruise, and they talked about Reacher like he’s some sort of shadow in the night, when it’s really that he doesn’t want to be tied down and loves being on the road. Alan Richson has clearly read all the books, at least once. There are so many nuances he gets about Reacher where

    Dave doesn’t do “hate speech” - people like you just use the words to try to shut up anybody that makes you feel uncomfortable. Stop being a fascist. It’s unbecoming...

    To be fair, people have died thanks to the far-left and their billion+ dollars in rioting and political attacks... Only difference is, murder after murder, assault after assault, the propaganda you read never would even acknowledge it.

    Lesbians = women attracted to other women.

    To be fair. A lot of black liberals are also big fans of Dave. Also. A lot of black liberals don’t think gender is cosplay...

    She gets called TERF because gender cultists have the minds of children.

    TERF. LOL... What perverted misogynists tell women to shut the fuck up.

    And of course it’s out of the question that trans and cis women might share some issues.”

    You know we’ve reached peak misogyny when a man is shamed for standing up for a women. All in the name of entitled men and their perverted insistence they can be women just by reducing what a woman is to pronouns, long hair and make up.

    Whoopie fucking doo. Are any of the shitskin pavement ape writers here going to talk about Eliza Fletcher or the return of The Knockout Game or ANYTHING?