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    Joe Hill is no Stephen King, in any way, shape, or form. I’ve read all of King’s books multiple times, still have yet to finish one of Joe’s. King mimics read like King mimics. When his dad is gone, there will simply be no more new Stephen King books - but that doesn’t mean his work won’t live forever.

    In what way are Teslas “luxury cars”? An entry-level Kia has better build quality, inside and out.

    LOL. What a tragically ignorant comment...

    You sound like a sad and lonely person. Save up some money, get yourself a hobby and a vehicle. Get out more.

    I guess this is where the commie failures incapable of even wiping their own asses whine about how they failed in life.

    Comparing a woman speaking out for her rights to Hitler is peak misogyny. Congratulations, groomer.

    No better way to say you’re an insufferable misogynist than to unironically use the term TERF to bash a woman standing up for their rights, their own space, and their identity. Why not just tell her to shut up and make a sandwich while you’re at it?

    “People who complain that it “ruined” Luke Skywalker clearly want a character with no flaws whatsoever.”

    Why do you care? When anarchists used Twitter over and over to be the most violent and destructive group of people in the 21st century, did you say anything?

    Who cares???

    Ironic when you think how child grooming and mutilation is happening, driving young kids to sterilize themselves, later driving them to suicide. Not so much as a peep from this site nor a word of support for kids who's lives have been destroyed by cultish gender pervo groomers.

    “I’m pretty sure a male heir to the Iron Throne wouldn’t be forced to serve as a glorified waiter, but, again, Westeros gonna Westeros.”

    Lol. Get the fuck out of here with your empty ass virtue signaling.

    “Digital Blackface"... This reads like an article from The Onion. Apparently as the world of AI characters continues to grow we can look forward to these same racial grievance junkies whining "why aren't there any black characters?"

    I thought "I'm non binary" was the new mental illness. Hard to keep up...

    HE'LL live, eh? We gonna wipe the asses for every cultist with mental issues?

    The attention to plural pronouns for a young man with mental issues is adorable. If only your average person could be treated with such entitlement...

    You haven't read any of the books. 

    It’s what children drunk on copaganda say. As if 99% of the cops out there aren’t normal good people putting their lives in the line doing their job.

    Probably just some nazifa trash so useless, so empty inside, they just want to see the world burn.