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    Well, we didn’t have to wait long to see the soft bigotry of low expectations and fanboys ranting about their personal racist boogeyman. The character and actress were awful. Hopefully they’ll have the balls to ignore race-baiters and focus on better characters and stories.

    Ur comment is about as ironic a statement I've ever seen on the internet. Congrats.

    Speaking of incels, she’s not going to sleep with you, kiddo.

    What a crazy weird take. It’s as if the person who wrote this manifesto didn’t follow one minute of the trial.

    You could say that with every agenda driven lie that falls out of Colbert's mouth, eh?

    This isn't unusual to get stand down orders. Look at Portland when the police were getting Molotov cocktails thrown at them, or when violent anarchists we're assaulting people with bear mace and bike locks, yet the powers that be kept them from properly dealing with the mob.

    Remember when a mob of violent anarchists tried to burn down Ted Wheeler’s apartment building and he didn’t do a thing? Remember how leftists we’re eerily silent?

    No need to blame Capital riot on anarchists posing (ironically) as antifascists, eh? They already have racked up over one billion dollars in damages, nevermind the murders.

    What a weirdly hypocritical statement. How are your values so twisted that they only apply to some people, apparently based on race?

    Like Deviant Groomer Sex Cult? 

    If only his church groomed kids to be confused about who they are before they hit puberty. Props to Pratt for not wanted to see his children mutilated or suicidal or treating gender like cosplay. Not an easy thing in this day and age.

    Counterpoint #2: Fuck miserable little edgelord boys who are in constant fear of some sort of self created Boogeyman.

    Unlike some cultures, at least the symptoms aren’t trying to constantly invent fake hate crimes with some desperate need to be “marginalized”, eh?

    I love seeing the woke show how soulless they are when it comes to cultures. So much sensitivity!

    I have an astigmatism, too. That's why I keep my glasses on if I play VR. Bigger issue is having goggles on my head and being isolated from the world. 

    Ugh. Shouldn't have to use a wrench once you've set up the adapters. Yakima rooftop tents just attach and lock. Having to use screws and bolts in the age of roof racks is unacceptable.

    At least they still aren't writing anything about his son.

    I’ve been riding bikes for about 40 years, started with BMX. I have never ever seen an experienced rider simply fall over while just standing still. Heck, many, including myself, unclip their toes, turn the front wheel 90 degrees and stay upright using your feet on the tire to stay balanced until it's time to go. Plus

    He quit doing his show because he thought people were laughing at him” you have any quotes from Dave regarding this?

    So... Thinking a man is a man and a woman is a woman is “transphobic”? You cosplayers sound like evangelicals screaming SINNER!!! over and over again because people don’t believe in your gods.