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    Interesting that you forget that normal people commit suicide, too. I’m a male that has suffered from depression. You saying if I put on a dress, I get to be entitled to control what other people have to say? An asshole in a dress with all the power in the world. Great stuff, eh? 

    What about all the kids mutilating themselves because they’re still confused about who they’re becoming when hitting puberty? Probably not the best time for adults to be worried about putting dresses on boys, eh? What about the violent male sexual offenders “identifying as women” so they can serve in women’s prisons?

    Such pearl clutching from a group that inspires younger kids to be so confused about something as simple as sex/gender that they’re mutilating themselves, becoming suicidal and treating gender like cosplay.

    Well, he did say something to the effect that we come out of a woman’s vagina and that’s scary stuff! He also said as a black man, he’d find it weird if a white person “identified” as a black person. Something they never can or will experience, which would be just as weird as an out-of-the-closet “look at me, I’m

    I agree! Considering how misogynistic and racist the trans community can be, how they’re trying to LITERALLY ERASE WHAT A WOMAN IS. Women being the most marginalized being in history; maybe Netflix can finally remove all of that deviant crap from their service.

    Considering most of the planet doesn’t think being a woman or man is cosplay, and back in the good old days, fighting for women’s rights was, well... kind of something people would strive for. Give it up to Dave for fighting the good fight. I read a Substack article from a gender cosplayer who was clearly upset by

    Diablo Immortal is a pretty amazing game, considering it’s free. It doesn’t take long to see where the monetization is and ignore it thereafter. They clearly put a lot of time and thought into making the game (sadly they also put a lot of thought into how to wring money out of loot addicts).

    Christ... Somebody didn’t get their nap today? You don’t have to give them any money for Diablo Immortal. IT’S FREE.

    I do. But I actually watched the developer gameplay trailer. It looks great! Lots of cool looking stuff. I’m loving the depth of the world, the freedom to explore, the multiplayer aspect, the world-changing events, etc. 

    Making a joke out of gender is bound to create reactions. You should blame the groomers that tought you that gender is cosplay.

    Yeah, because we should be worried about people playing cosplay with gender that are trying to police how normal people speak.

    You sound like you've never traveled outside of your zip code or have only experienced American culture outside of watching some TikTok videos, kiddo.

    Looks like he’s in the middle of an event and glanced in a direction at a camera... Imagine how little would be behind his eyes if he was just some soulless bitter wokenstein living their sorry existence envying others through a cheesy pop culture site.

    He probably accomplishes more in a month than you will in a lifetime. But if you ever create a show and manage to get into the business, I’m sure you’ll do it, pronouns a blazin’ and making a statement every step of the way, eh?

    Funny to think, if James Wood’s wore a dress and “identified as a woman”, you’d have more respect for him.

    People made the droids. Their “thinking” and “feeling” is thanks to the human programmers. Not really that complicated... It’s fiction. They’re imaginary robots.

    What a weird and baseless theory...

    Not sure what your point was but 67 sure didn’t feel like dying time when I was 22. You do realize even at 22, many people have older relatives and get a general sense of how long people live, eh?

    I still haven’t finished it. Is it really THAT GOOD? I’ve made it 90 minutes in and there’s not really a single good scene or plot beat in it.

    I’m hoping that was sarcasm... The old Star Wars Christmas special was more political than most of the new SW films and shows.