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    The “+” means horses? Better than children, I guess...

    Harley Quinn is a normal person... Not a crossdresser, sodomite, groomer or anything “queer”. Hardly a great example of DC’s queer agenda. 

    You child groomers and violent anarchists have the strangest sense of humor. Must be all those puberty blockers...

    To be fair, Twitter did little to stop anarchists posing as “anti fascists” and we’re now looking at over one billion in property damage and multiple deaths.

    How much of a dumb soulless animal are you to never have batted an eye while this happened. Too busy figuring out your pronouns, eh?

    I’m sure one of the most successful people on the planet doesn’t know as much as a gender clown like yourself, eh? Are you going to explain what the terms actually mean or just do some empty virtual signaling as your sad attempt at reaching out to the world? 

    This was after a flatbed truck dropped off “no hate” shields which violent anarchists started attacking citizens. Great stuff. All on video.

    Groups posing as “just an idea” repeatedly incited riots to the tune of over one billion dollars. Many lives were lost, many violent leftists now rot in jail. Yet not a peep for the perpetually outraged violent left.

    Ironic in a thread about “facts” you’re ignoring the fact that Twitter’s enforcement leans far, far left. The studies aren’t wrong, bro. You may not be bright but look at the comments from the employees after Musk bought Twitter. The talks of sabotage from leftist employees would have made you think Hitler was their

    LOL. Michael Reinoehl, is that you???

    If you’re saying we should tackle any person who uses the ridiculous term, “trans”, I’m all for it. Fuck those deviants.

    What exactly was “bigoted” about what Dave said? Somebody tried to attack him, he joked that the person was trans.

    Sounds like you already have one, you pathetic little fashy boychild. Violent misogynists like yourself need to take a short dive into a large woodchipper. You have no place in a civilized world.

    Yeah, WHAT AN ASSHOLE. I can’t believe Dave Chappelle said a person who attacked him was a trans man. Instead, Dave should have made an empty gesture like letting everybody know what his pronouns are.

    LOL. No you don’t... I played Half-Life: Alyx on a $300 ACER WMR device and a 5 year-old PC and ran the game on the second highest settings without so much as a hitch. My buddy has the Facebook thing and has never once complained about the graphics or performance. 

    Archaic? In VR, you still can’t even walk around without experiencing nausea. You have to click on a spot and warp there. Talk about archaic. People have been walking around in games for decades yet VR can’t master the most basic of gaming concepts. It has a loooong way to go. VR may never offer the comfortable

    VR is still a gimmick. All the other things you mention can be enjoyed in the oxygen-filled world, without being stuck wearing goggles. 

    What exactly is there to point out? As a visually impaired person, I’ve found wearing my visual aid (glasses) solves the issue. My glasses have fit in any VR device I’ve used so far. My Acer Windows Mixed Reality goggles work just fine.

    What kind of news bubble are you in to say such an ironic thing? Being angry and victimized is the leftist regressive’s bread and butter.

    LOL. How is it obvious?

    Let me guess... You’re an incel “they/them” that demanded everybody refer to the M’s as W’s and quit in protest when people wouldn’t bow to your entitled demands.