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    This may be the most ironic comment I’ve read on the internet. It sounds like you’re describing the Democratic party - except they won’t even acknowledge what a women is anymore.

    You’re going to trigger a bunch of entitled “they/them” pronoun cultists with such a basic question.

    Considering you can count right-wing “attacks” on one hand while there have been hundreds of BLM/Antifa riots, wouldn’t we want Jack dealing with the violent anarchists and extremists ironically calling themselves “antifa”? (More like Nazifa, eh?) Or at least both? Send them all into a giant stadium, then BOOM.

    a little Coltrane goes a long way”

    As somebody who’s worked in some nice restaurants over the decades, I feel bad for your poor steaks. Sounds like you’re eating overcooked steaks that aren’t seasoned well/long enough.

    So, by your argument, what do we do about President Biden spreading misinformation?

    President Biden LITERALLY said, if you get the vaccine, you’re not going to get covid. Should we not allow him to have a platform anymore? Should we remove every lying pundit that suggested JOES ON HORSE DRUGZZZ, HEEZ A NAZIIII!!!, too?

    I’m sure you know more than the biologists Joe had on...

    Find you a person and their comments that have erased off social media? LOL - what a strange way to ask for proof... Do some research. The propaganda you consume most likely isn’t going to provide you with answers, eh?

    Biden literally said if you got the vaccine, you would NOT get COVID. He was very wrong, as he usually is. By the standards of the national socialist incels here, Biden should be removed from office or at least denied a platform to speak?

    Saying it’s a lie when it isn’t makes you both a liar and a hypocrite, kiddo.

    Sorry to see you get stalked by that national socialist sicko basement-dwelling incel. You’re living rent free in some of these kids’ heads, I love it.

    Holy shit - the desperation you must have felt to feverishly look through somebody’s comment history. Pretty pathetic, kiddo.

    He has people on his show who are anti vax.”

    How sad! How much of your incel life did you just throw away stalking a comment history, kiddo?

    Neil Young and whatshername are apparently mostly triggered by one of the most published biologists in his field, and somebody who used to work at Moderna, who’s contributions are being used in the vaccines we’re using today. Those two men are apparently what all this fuss is about.

    He’s actually pointing out that science IS evolving, you dumb little child. I take it you think you know more than his guests? You should call Moderna, kiddo! Jesus, you national socialists are a dumb lot.

    Considering most of the gasslighters here haven’t brought quotes or anything, I’d say the only people being dishonest here are the kids who are so creepily triggered by Joe Rogan. (Maybe it was that scary Jim Gaffigan episode from last week?) I’ll take the words of the most published biologist in the field than dub chi

    The national socialist incel children here supposedly know more than one of the most published biologists in science and somebody from Moderna, who’s work has contributed to the vaccines we’re taking today? Only on the internet... Not like I did NAZI see this coming.

    LOL. I’m just glad she has pronouns in her bio, as if anybody above the age of 2 wouldn’t know how to address her. I’m assuming the blue-haired midget is a “they/them”... Just written all over its face.