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    Sounds like he can read just fine.

    How “thoughtful” is it for a boy to tell a woman twice his age what a woman is? We’ve truly reached peak misogyny.

    They’re too hopped up on their hatred for real woman to even think. There’s no point to what the Alphabet Crew is doing other than to delude what it means to be a woman. I feel so bad for them - we were making such progress with the #MeToo movement.

    We really have reached peak misogyny.

    They start the misogynists young these days, eh?

    Problem is; no normal adult knows or CARES what TERF means. (Totally Embraces Reality Feverishly?)

    I love when young angry kids knock adults for having more life experience than them... Oh, to be several decades younger and blindly repeat every woke talking point I’ve been fed.

    Seems like the LBAlphabetsoup woke crew are the puritans these days, just with an extra dose of misogyny. How DARE a woman speak out and question our religion? She must be a witch- let’s see if she floats!

    It’s amazing how many people seem to be blindly bleating that talking point, as if it’s relevant or proves any point. The article she linked to wasn’t particularly complicated, even for the knee-jerk faux outrage youth of today.

    And if you want to go to the track, you use the truck to tow the sports car.

    Ummm, which of Allen's films focuses on "incest"? He got a "pass" for decades because people love his films. If you're gonna do a woke parody, show a little self awareness...

    He has some good novellas but his best work is with novels for me. King needs some extra pages to tell his tales. I'd hate to think of his masterpieces whittled down to bite sized pieces.

    They were all playing to a click and the separate tracks are synched up after so they sound in time.

    Maybe because they want to explore things from their youth? Adult filmmakers were young once.

    Easier to see, easier to park anywhere when I’m out hiking, easier to drive over curbs and stuff if need be, easier to get in and out of.

    WMR goggles start at under $300. You aren’t forced to spend $1,000.

    Awful take...

    I’ve tried demos, looked at most of the games you’ve mentioned - outside of Alyx, I have yet to find a single game/app that has made me happy with my VR purchase. Most of the stuff feels like half-baked indie games and tech demos. I spent $40 on Skyrim and find it to be agonizing to play in VR. After an hour, I was

    I'm on my 4th trip through the series. It gets better every time outside of the final 100 pages.

    Can’t argue with Mia being a “wack-a-doo.” She’s not the first or the last vindictive ex. She’ll never forgive Woody for falling in love with Soon Yi.