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    I’m amazed by the continued outrage over Woody.

    No doubt it's a WWII film. Considering it doesn't step foot in a concentration camp, like Life is Beautiful or Schindler's List, I definitely wouldn't categorize it as a Holocaust film at all. Still an awesome movie!

    Seinfeld was perfect.

    You could always read the book as a drinking game and take a drink every time you come up with something to be offended by. See if you're still standing by chapter two...

    LOL. Blame whitey for something a POC did. Classic! Keep doin’ you, victim. 

    What a silly criticism...

    Would have been nice if Ryan Johnson read your comments about accepting what came before him. He pretty much made it impossible to create a compelling final trilogy.

    Every time I’ve tried BK’s fries - they just have a mush texture and taste like bad fast food oil. McD’s and Wendy’s are so far beyond, I wonder if BK uses an actual vegetable to make their fries.

    The wedges aren’t even fries nor do they taste like potato. I can’t think of a worse potato offering than KFC’s wedges. They’re coated so they wind up being extra greasy and you can’t tase potato or skin.

    Fries do not need a coating. Potatoes are already coated with something called a skin.

    But KFC’s wedges are gross. They don’t even taste like potato.

    It makes plenty of sense. You probably haven’t spent much time on planet earth if you haven’t seen the drastic change in build quality/built obsolescence over the decades. You think “regulations” are there to make companies build quality products? That sounds like a lovely dream. 

    The awful bun ruined it for me.

    LOL. Is there ANY other kind?

    Good gods, the food in Italy is absolutely divine, soul-changing, glorious and belly warming.

    Safe to say that playing around with music/trying to sing versus being a famous actor/actual artist are just a teensie weensie bit different, eh?

    Not sure if you’re capable of self-awareness but are your less leftist friends so ignorant as to lump you into the category of “watches MSNBC/Salon and read news from Vox affiliates (i.e. “alt-left” news).” Hard to talk about growing and learning when you’re spewing such tired talking points.

    OOh. Forgot about Ragnarok. Black Panther gets award for most overrated, that’s about it. Maybe it’s the bigotry of low expectations, but I don’t see how a mediocre cartoon gets ANY “best of” mentions in ANY category.

    Sincerely... Was Spiderverse worth sitting through? I turned in off within the first 30 minutes. The visual style and sountrack were giving me a headache.

    ??? As a guy that grew up in a family of women, WTF kind of people raised you? Jesus...