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    Thank the gods for DoorDash. Unless I know I can served by an actual adult, I just order to go/delivery. Gotta love the Asian restaurants in my area - always mature and knowledgeable staff. No babies.

    What “sympathetic victims of abuse”? You can’t be talking about Ford.

    LOL. As if ANY of you miserable and entitled children are going to cut your parents off. You NEED them. They coddled you as kids, they’re stuck with you until you reach adulthood (your mid-thirties).

    Funny to think you’ve been brainwashed enough to think that anybody who disagrees with you or has a different opinion MUST be watching the “wrong” news channel. As if the channels you watch are the right one.

    Roman isn’t wrong. Heck, he’s much kinder about the metoo “movement” than any women I know. 

    To be fair, that picture could be the result of some idiot ran a light and smashed into his front right end.

    I was driving a stage 2 2016 WRX, was averaging almost 30 MPG. Traded it in for a 2018 Forester XT/CVT and I’m barely getting above 22. Didn’t realize I’d see such a drop!

    Not if there’s a flood or mass alligator attack.

    I have yet to have my 2018 Forester XT CVT “struggle” up any hill. In S# mode, most cars on the road have to struggle to keep up with me. Passing is friggin’ fun!

    Convince yourself to buy an XBox One for a 4k Bluray/media player. Never hurts to have one!

    Nah. You use the left trigger.

    It’s absolutely and pathetically mind-boggling. I survived 2 Bushes, 1 Reagan and will survive Trump. Reading responses here, I’m “alt-right” even though that is a term usually associated with Richard Spencer. A figure that hasn’t been relevant since Charlottesville.

    Which “anti-fascists” in our country are in any way fighting “fascism”? The US is the least “fascist” country in the damn planet. Look at the protests and Antifa attacks and the constant attempts at shutting down free speech at universities. It isn’t the people on the right or our government doing this stuff.

    And predictably, none of you alt-left “nazi” hunter shitstains have a single argument as to why this conservative young man is “alt-right”, the boogeyman, or anybody to get so angry and fussy about. ANYBODY with ANY rational question, ANYBODY that dares not thing like an unhinged far-left loon is OBVIOUSLY a “nazi.”

    Sean’s take about it being too black/white was inevitably proven the second the mob heard a mansplainer dare have his own opinion on the lack of nuance in this whole outrage machine. They have been proving his point the day he spoke about it.

    I’m trying to figure out which one is “problematic” or controversial.


    You’ve GOTTA be kidding me.

    You sound bitter. If you see somebody enjoying time with their pet and feel such disdain, you may have some issues worth addressing.

    LOL. I remember getting pulled over for doing 70 in a 35.