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    “Dogs are more often than not disruptive to a dining experience”

    Yes there is. Not that hard to find info about them.

    Meh... Any place serving alcohol, humans are more liable to do something dumb that’s going to harm somebody or cost the restaurant money.

    I’ve been VERY lucky with exceptions.

    I think as long as you stop eating at these dog-friendly places, everybody should be happy.

    What a terrible dog owner you must be.

    Jesus, are you a teenager?
    As you travel, go out and do things - you may be presented with situations where you may have a solution to propose.

    Nah. In most of my experiences, it’s always been; for you, we’ll make an exception.

    I have a small dog (5 pounds, 16 years old). I’ve taken her to over a thousand different restaurant patios in all our travels. Most let me put a shirt/blanket on a chair and let her sit there. People always get a kick out of it.

    “Last, and this I can’t stress enough, is that some people, and especially children, are terrified of dogs. “

    Dog friendly restaurants are some of the best places to bring dogs. Great way to meet people and let your dog meet other dogs.

    “brace yourself—some diners just might not want to eat next to a bunch of dogs.”

    Odds are this drink has invented in Tuskegee. Nothing more to the name.

    Sounds like the lady dindunuffin’...
    At least you don’t write articles about black-on-white crime!

    As long as you leave out the Sriracha.

    I’m almost 50. I practically live in kitchens.

    If you don’t put it on a rack, the bacon soaks in fat, just like in a pan. And the fat can splatter all over the oven, too.

    They don’t do that anymore?

    America may as well be the Bacon-Cooking Capital of the World compared to other countries. I swear, in many areas of Europe, they just boil bacon in water for 3 minutes. Doesn’t get any better south of the U.S. border, either.

    Many women in their teens are FAR more mature than you give them credit for, and prefer being with older men.