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    What “abuse”? It sounded consensual, and he may even have made the first move. He sure seems happy in the pics and texts.

    Because modern “film reviewers” are basically humanities majors disguised as journalists.

    “Nazis”? What are you, twelve?

    Speaking of calling the police, I hope you do a story on this. Something that has BARELY been mentioned at all in mainstream media...

    Looks like Black Victimization Culture is going to desperately create some sort of issue of “racism” out of your average lead cast member change. How sad.

    Here’s a great place to start. Two awesome recipes;

    Your dough doesn’t look like it rose properly. No lovely bubbles! Look dry and crackery.

    Making great pizza at home isn’t hard at all - best pizza I’m gonna eat in my area. 

    You should learn how to knead dough properly and you shouldn’t have any issues. Push away, not down on the dough. 

    Not me. I put it in the freezer, just like the chefs who have taught me to bake over the decades.

    The trick is to use high gluten flour, like All Trumps. The addition of brewer’s malt is VERY crucial to getting that lovely chew.

    Pizza stones work just fine. If you’re not getting a crispy crust, you haven’t let the stone heat up enough.

    If you want to learn from the master and take your dough to the next level, I highly suggest Tony Gemignani’s “The Pizza Bible”

    You should travel around Europe and try to find a decent piece of crispy bacon. It’s as if they boil it, it’s so floppy and barely cooked. 

    The Touch Bar is wonderful for Logic X!

    So sad to see an immature child fall off the deep end of the far-left.
    You get so fussy! So angry! So bitter!

    I don’t think I know of any Shapiro rape jokes. I can’t imagine he can compete with the likes of Gunn, eh?


    Gunn fires gun, Disney fires gun for firing gun, people blame the “alt-right” for it.

    The source of the tweets are James Gunn.