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    What exactly IS the “mob mentality”???

    Reading her Twitter feed, it doesn’t seem like she does “polite discussion” so you’re trying to play white knight for the wrong damsel. She’s toxic.

    Kiddo. You’re just arguing to argue. Give it a rest.
    What she said about the guy dying wasn’t in any way defensible.

    If you’re going to be that petty about the wording, you may as well search for it yourself. Nobody is going to do the work for you with your attitude, bro.

    To be fair, this miserable woman practically celebrated the death of a semi-famous gamer/YouTuber; Totalbiscuit. She seems to be doing just fine in the toxic department on her own.

    The only troll was the angry and miserable woman who was fired. I have no doubt we’re going to hear about what a gender card-drawing firecracker she was in the workplace.

    You should learn what plotlines are. Easy to look up with search engines these days. I wouldn’t say ANY of them are “fine.” Some are downright awful and many are so arbitrarily “subversive” as to be painfully contrived.

    Imagine what Johnson would think of you for that comment. All over a guy’s opinion on movies.

    Kind of an ironic comment, considering you didn’t “list” any examples in your comment, as if that’s some sort of requirement. There ARE plenty of legitimate complaints about TLJ, all you have to do is read the negative reviews to see different plot points, characters, humor, etc that people didn’t enjoy. 

    “Deconstruction”? Do you know what that word means? It was no more complex than your average episode of BSG.

    It’s arguable that there isn’t even a single compelling, funny or interesting moment in the entire Rose plotline. The casino section is just painful. Easily the worst scenes in the entire Star Wars saga, outside of Jar Jar.

    Jesus. How young is the boy that is writing these trollish little manifestos?

    Uh oh! Nothing scarier than a bunch of angry National Socialists. Y’all haven’t changed a bit since a decade ago...

    Depends on the sort of story, Skippy. If all you’re reading is “visceral” fiction, you should expand your horizons.

    Dude, you’re trying wayyyy to hard.

    Sounds like you’re trying to reason with a kid who’s only understanding of the 90's is reading some blog posts from kids who never even lived in the 90's. He’ll never understand. You’re speaking from experience, he’s speaking from a strange fantasy he’s put together in his mind.

    Hip hop was HUGE in white suburbs. Had absolutely nothing to do with a context of skin color at all, nor did you need official hip-hop fans to appreciate it.

    That’s because far-leftists and far-righties are incapable of discussing movies. All you can do is ignore these people. Gotta say, seems like identity politics has killed the ability for people to have discussions about movies.

    That is such childish schoolyard logic/guilt by association.

    You’re just proving his point. Get off mommy and daddy’s computer.