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    Many of the people here are pretty much proving his point; you can’t have a discussion about these movies without the apologists dropping so many tired talking points and destroying any chance to have a discussion.

    LOL. Nitpicks somebody’s use of language, then proves himself to be an intolerant vulgarian by the time he hits the “publish” button. Too rich!

    If you can’t contribute to the conversation, sit down and let others speak. Mr. Thismoviesucks made many great points. No need to try to control the conversation. These comment sections don’t give out virtue signal points to the most holiest of though.

    If after decades of anticipation, seeing Luke Skywalker tossing the lightsaber over his shoulder so some cute Porgs could hop around it, or a 30 minute detour to give us a heavy-handed lesson about freeing space horses is your idea of a “deconstruction”, you may be more guilty of being a “dudebro” that that boogeyman

    It’s silly to suggest such a contrived and controversial mess was a terrific movie. It’s debatable that it’s even GOOD. Heck, I’ve watched it 1 1/2 times. That was plenty.

    This is such a wildly strange take, I hope you get some perspective on the world outside of your computer/social media.

    Oh, gods, the new Ghostbusters is so terrible. I love Kate McKinnon but she just looks lost in the movie. They really didn’t give her much to do. Makes you wonder how much of her scenes are just her improvising.

    NO character in a video game is required “agency” (good gods, you probably need to let go of that word for a while) - male or female. You’re trying to make things about gender that aren’t there.

    You’ve gotta be kidding me. This has nothing to do with “objectifying women” (whatever that even means) and more with you being uncomfortable seeing the physical form of the female body. Why do knee-jerk social conflict junkies have to try to turn everything into some sort of victimization?

    The “body language” you’re trying to read honestly just may be a picture that was taken of them in the middle of a discussion.

    I must say it IS a strange time to argue about gender rights... We hear so much about the wage gap (which there are PLENTY of explanations for), but we NEVER hear much about the death gap.

    It’s not insulting at all, and yes, animals/insects are referred to as ripe when about to lay eggs. You also say a fruit is ripe when it’s ready.

    In the 20th century on planet earth. It was used to describe a pregnant woman about to have her baby.

    To be fair, he wasn’t lifting up any ladies’ skirt; he was sitting down and a woman, for whatever reason, was lifting up (or perhaps it was the wind?) her own skirt, and he was trying to take a peek.

    I’m amazed at how little we’re seeing the evidence of the interview in these media pieces. The “I wish I was there” comment was in response to Michael Caine telling a story about asking an overweight woman if she was pregnant.

    Doesn’t sound like you’ve worked in the legal field in a while.

    What a disappointing young leftist you are. You didn’t misuse the word “fascism”!

    Funny how the most immature, entitled and intolerant kids think they have ANY say when it comes to morals and values. The older I get and the more I listen to younger kids, I just get friggin’ TIRED of babysitting these useless morons.

    Don’t feel bad leading with that, just know that’s why people treat you like a child and ignore Everything You Have To Say. All I read was an insult and hit reply so I can tell you what a little boy you are.

    Too funny. This article reads like a journal entry from an entitled young girl.