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    “Harassing our pets”?

    “I just don’t equate pets with humans (which is also why I choose not to own one)“

    This article has nothing to do with skin color. Why even rant on about crap like “white privilege” - I just can’t believe you’re as sad and desperate as that.

    Been suffering from depression for almost 40 years. I couldn’t beat it until I finally got off of antidepressants. Doctors must have tried every combo with me. Having those chemicals running through my veins, never knowing how it’s going to mess with my psyche was scary. 

    Hopefully one day some of these knee-jerk intolerant leftists will do so as a preemptive measure.

    LOL. So funny to see you judge these horrible boogeyman, while the most loathsome and hateful comments here are all from young, angry and entitled little leftists.

    LOL. Classic intolerant and self-loathing leftist.

    You seriously don’t understand why people travel? You must be very young or haven’t gone outside of your zip code much.

    Your examples have nothing to do with singling along with pop/rap songs.

    The only pork skins I’ll eat anymore is the chicharron from my local carnicerias/taquerias. Can’t enjoy the puffy stuff anymore.

    “The bad part” of one of my nearest towns (San Francisco downtown, near Market) is filled with people defecating in the streets and shooting up, sleeping in doorways - blocking people from getting into their business, the stench of urine and garbage is overwhelming, and good luck with your car NOT getting broken into.

    The kid who posted this blog piece has never heard of the difference between an “alpha” and a “beta”?

    “White privilege”? People still think that’s a thing???

    Antifa is doing the same stuff on a day-to-day basis. Heck, they’ll actually go so far as to throw things at and taunt the cops, too.

    “ugly, angry debate, that swarms those with whom they disagree.”

    DomenickDoran; people of color have been brainwashed to be slaves to “marginalization” - there are many Pavlovian triggers that will get them to act victimized and in turn, blame those “repressing” them; i.e.; more successful cultures.

    Making fun of how different groups speak relative to each other is pretty basic and harmless comedy on its own.” is not only true, but it’s how many comedians of color make their living.

    Racist said what?

    Gotta love the knee-jerk bigotry of the perpetually-offended. Sounds like the only racists here are the strange and angry white-bashers. Is there anybody meaner and more ready to sling the hate than a racist white-hater?