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    I’m not sure a show that takes place in a land of hut-filled ghettos, crap-filled rivers and streams, no modern conveniences, and ravaged by disease would draw that many viewers.

    It’s also a real-life culture where men do just about ALL of the hard and dangerous work to keep our country running. Everything from plumbing to roofing to deep sea fishing to construction to high-rise window cleaning; men are dying every day doing things women won’t/can’t do. Over 90% of on-the-job deaths are men

    As you mature, and if you ever get involved in any romantic relationships, you may understand why a person wants to date a white woman, a Shaniqua or any shade in between.

    Your victimization and race issues are going to make you a bitter failure your whole life. You have my pity.

    I don’t see why/how the idiot kid will get a dime.

    Sir, your comments don’t agree with my bias. I ONLY read leftist punditry as news. (Insert alt-left talking points here.)

    Do you hate Russians, bigot?

    WHO is Russia paying???

    Informing people where dreads came from can’t hurt. Could stop PoC from trying to play the Appropriation Game with something they didn’t create. Seems like the irony of the above tweet is going over everybody’s head.

    “White approval”? What a sad and strange concept.

    The Fiesta’s interior is a deal-breaker. Plus, I like the funkiness of the Kia.

    America’s a “hellhole”?
    There ARE other countries to live in, ya know?

    She’s responsible for destroying Germany and the EU. Why would anyone support this demonic lump of flesh? Does she get commission for terrorist attacks?

    I can’t tell if this is an Onion article or not.

    Depends on the area. Thanks to liberal coddling, MOST crimes in the San Francisco bay area AREN’T covered in detail when the perpetrator is a PoC. And since so many crimes are by underaged PoC, we don’t get so much as a description, name, or anything. It’s the Racism of Low Expectations in news media form.

    Probably a picture of a graph showing violent crime in America by race.

    LOL. Invoking Godwin’s Law so quickly?
    Millennials are simply adorable.

    I watched the video. He did nothing wrong.

    Seems like you’re ignoring the minor quibble that PEOPLE AREN’T SUPPOSED TO BE MURDERING EACH OTHER, either. Black males make up @ 4% of the U.S. population yet make up almost 50% of all violent crime in the country.

    Never expect any reasonable discussion to come from debating unhinged, virtue-signaling race-baiters. Just watch them beat the word “racist” to a fine, meaningless pulp, as they insult you over and over to show you what great arbiters of morality they are.