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    If he’s the one making coherent arguments, and the rest of the mob are basically chanting “wah, racist!” over and over - hard to say he’s the “troll”, eh?

    Nothing she said was racist. I’m seeing much, much, much worse things being said by the mob of bigots attacking her for simply having an opinion and stating facts.

    “Free speech does not mean you are free to speak without consequences.”

    Calling people “pieces of shit” obviously makes YOU the arbiter of morality, eh? LOL

    “There is a significant lack of younger white people in these jobs. You can see it in the universities too, go to a campus and look at the racial makeup. You’ll see maybe 10% white.”

    I’ve only had white doctors, but never had a single issue regarding performance related to skin color. I just figure I’m getting the best of the best.

    “If you see other members of the human species/race as a different race than you are the very definition of a racist.”

    Once you master the art of controlling your vehicle, and if you have the proper drivetrain, you’ll understand the appeal.

    Considering her “music” is drenched in 50 year old white man’s technology, what are you saying exactly? Heck, why even bring race into the discussion?

    I’m sure several Devons may have a scary Father’s Day and it won’t be in Oregon. We’ll have to see the final Detroit/Baltimore/Oakland tally on Monday to know for sure...

    What exactly are “white pride Skittles”?

    Jesus Christ. Get a life, kid. These sort of petty and ridiculous comments are the reason more and more people are moving to the right. You’ve GOTTA be a millennial. ONLY way you can show zero class, zero moral ground while trying to pose and some little political victim.

    Awkward looking thing. Easily my least favorite of Lexus’ lineup.

    There are so many films populated by Asians, it would be hard for you to ever watch them all. All you need is time.

    Is it any less ironic when it’s black trash?

    “There is literally no substantive difference between the process of radicalization between a neo-Nazi/far-right extremist and an Islamist extremist”

    You’re upset about DREADLOCKS???
    I hope you’re Greek or you’ve got no skin in the game.

    I believe it’s called “false equivalence.”

    I take it Blackness is the same but with crack instead of cocain/meth and complete lack of impulse control instead of guns?

    The “I’m not racist, I’m ‘oppressed’” crying “wah, racist!” to anybody who has a differing opinion is even cuter. These children getting drunk off of the entitlements of marginalization are even funnier. The videos are damning, there is no excuse for this behavior from ANY adult/college student.