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    Strange strawman argument...
    Your REALLY find yourself using Irish while hanging out with a lot of “white nationalists”?

    “We’re all tiptoeing around an obvious, depressing truth: most people are bad. Selfish. Cruel. Evil. Just rotten at the core. When circumstances allow them to express that fundamental awfulness, they do it.”

    You need a hobby or a creative outlet. I’m seeing a lot of obsession over this boogeyman of yours; the “alt-right” “white supremacist”.

    “the voices of the alt-right and those who push for white supremacy”

    I don’t think most guys think of girls trying to looks like guys as “men” at all.

    I find these super-comfy. Like walking/driving around in slippers;

    Considering the safest places in the world are primarily white, they’re actually pretty awesome people.

    Or you can look at it that a lot of people in this country are tired of giving so much of our hard-earned money to the government. I’m white, I’m not looking for anyone to give me a “piece of the pie.” I was raised to be self-reliant. This has little to do about race. Get over it.

    Has nothing to do with race. Get over it.

    “It does not occur to her that some culture isn’t made for her, and that the time of blatant white appropriation without outrage is over.”

    I think we need to force Wes Anderson to have more black people in his films. At least 20% works for me. Any less and the production should get shut down.

    Sounds like you’re projecting.

    I think EVERY movie should be diverse or I’m going to be outraged. The government should enforce it. We MUST have quotas and make all movies diverse.

    Less than 1%. Considering there are @ 12-16 main cast members in the film, S.L. Jackson would make up @ 8%, which means he actually over-represents.

    He DID take a role and cast it with a black man. He’s done it before (Harvey Dent; Billy Dee Williams), I’m sure he’ll do it again... He’s had some great black roles, especially in Mars Attacks.

    I’m new to this whole social justice thing, but just so I understand; I’m supposed to whine every time a black person is cast as a villain?

    Yes, because casting black guys is “racist” now...

    A black person was “THERE” in the movie, and people are STILL complaining. You need blacks in movies? Check the cast on IMDB before you pay money to see it.

    By “plenty” we’re talking less than 1%, at best. Considering the main cast is @ 12 people and there’s one black person, they’re actually OVER-represented.

    Seemed like his statement was more anti-fact, but Colin has never been too bright in the first place.