
I said nothing about sales.

and it's still... really tiny... and you still can't actually hold the thing comfortably in your hands... you still must instead awkwardly cling to its posts with the edges of your palms...

"Who said anything about sales?"

Interesting how all he said was that the PSP, PS3, PSP Go, and PS Vita were disappointing... and all but one took it as a comment on their sales numbers.

Who said anything about sales? The PSP was a really, really nice piece of hardware when it came out... but it didn't have a whole lot of decent games. The PS3 definitely lost this generation. It too is a nice piece of hardware, and it had a few great games, but it's been a monster for developers and it has terrible

"Which Michelle Rodriguez character in particular are you talking about? The one from Fast and the Furious? The one from Avatar? The one from Lost?"

Riley Knox Coulter of the Great state of Ohio, though some of it (like more severe mandatory minimum sentencing and resentment toward the NRA) comes from other sources, like the podcaster Dan Carlin. Maybe I'll do that. (after a bit of editing at least)

The dualshock design is TOO SMALL. My non-Japanese hands are TOO BIG. Please Sony. I know you have an iconic controller design, and I agree that it looks great in pictures/advertisements, but PLEASE release a duke version. My hands are honestly pretty average, if not a little small.

I'm more frustrated by lack of thoughtfulness than lack of knowledge. Every person who's ever confronted me about this issue either thinks nothing whatsoever can be done, or that the 2nd amendment was about fighting the British... and therefore outdated and irrelevant.

I got a pretty nice pair of bluetooth headphones a while back and wound up returning them. I couldn't use them for watching movies on my laptop due to the delay. Is that always a problem with bluetooth?

The absolute only time you'll see an icon on my desktop is when I forget to un-check the "create desktop shortcut" option on a new install... and in that case it's never there for more than a minute. Anything important can be found on my taskbar (which currently has 6 shortcuts,) and if I need anything else, I'll just

It's not JUST Americans. It's part of Judeo-Christian culture. The western world is weird and sensitive about sex. Just kind of how it is. Talk to the Apostle Paul if you have a problem with it.

This is Valve. Stop whining. They don't make shitty games.

Tiring for your index finger

A few months ago, I would have felt exactly the same way, but then I spent a month or two playing around with an ASUS Transformer Prime. In general, I found it to be a pretty useless device... but once I'd switched back to using my laptop, I found myself accidentally reaching toward the screen when I thought to

Every time my mom wants to search for something, she opens up her favorites, and clicks on the google link. Sometimes, if she wants to modify her search, instead of just scrolling up and entering something new, she'll go through her favorites and bring the google home page back up.

I love the idea of a tablet that can transform into a laptop... but you might as well stick with an onscreen keyboard if you aren't going to make it (even close to) full-sized. I tried using an ASUS Transformer Prime as a versatile, laptop replacement, but I couldn't type for more than 30 seconds without FEELING the

I don't see how this document is in any way significant. The iphone IS the standard by which android phones are judged. All he said was that the iphone was clearly a better product, and that they needed to make improvements to their product line in order to compete.

All this 'war on women' crap is causing me to seriously consider voting for Mitt Romney, just out of spite. I'm tired of hearing about 'a woman's right to reproductive privacy.' It's a load of horseshit thrown together by an ignorant and overreaching supreme court. The abortion debate isn't about women's rights. When