I think the only exception is Victoria's secret. I can deal with seeing a brand name. It earned it.
I think the only exception is Victoria's secret. I can deal with seeing a brand name. It earned it.
"Parachuting (pictured below) isn't new to the series; The Ballad of Gay Tony downloadable content added it to Grand Theft Auto IV."
It still isn't hard to find beheadings. Just go on 4chan's gif board every once in a while. They are pretty hard to watch, especially given how they're usually performed. They don't just chop away with an ax, like in the movies. They saw away with knives/razors. It takes around 5 full seconds.
It could have been a really great psychological thriller. They went with something a little more predictable, and a little unoriginal... but I still think it was one of the best Sci-fi movies of the past decade. I want more Sci-fi movies that aren't epics. Epics are pretty hard to tell, and those who try usually wind…
The way I see it... If someone really wants to get into my house, they'll get into my house. My front door is of decent quality, and the lock on it is pretty good... but there are windows on each side of it, and if someone was so inclined, they could very easily break them. I trust well enough in my fellow man to…
Perhaps it might even be... moonsterious!!?
bullshit. They made that claim about the PS3 when they took out backwards compatibility. They have yet to make a concerted effort to port a large portion of ps1 games.
"A Proper Origin Client Coming to the Mac"
umm... we're calling it a nipple in this thread.
Yeah, I agree with you.
I really hope they don't give up on dedicated e-readers. I had a Transformer Prime for about two months, and found that its only truly unique function was reading.
No, a rectangular slate is not an innovation. Multi-touch interfaces, and the concept of an app-based, post-PC, closed ecosystem device, are innovations. Apple feels they've been ripped off by everyone making Android Tablets, so they're attempting to avenge themselves through frivolous lawsuits.
Because I prefer windows machines, and supporting the freer PC ecosystem.
Yeah, Baretta, for one, is an Italian company, which supplies plenty of civilian weaponry, and the standard issue sidearm of the US Marine Corps.
I would have agreed with you as little as 3 years ago, but I think PC manufacturers are finally starting to catch up. Most of the big players have their own macbook copy-cats that look/feel great.
I think the comment system is shit primarily because it forces one-on-one conversations at the expense of longer, more insightful group discussions. It's nice to be able to respond to multiple people in one post, and for that post to be visible to all who are participating in a given conversation. That's what a thread…
I get so annoyed hearing people talk about speech recognition. It's never going to become the standard mode of control. No one wants to sit in a room, yelling at their computer. It's awkward, and would be annoying as hell in public places. The people who insist that it's the nexus of human-computer interaction are…
"In the current environment, there’s just one company that’s firing the first shot consistently. Most everybody else seems to be getting along really well" -Packingham (from the interview)
meh. If somebody wants to get into my house, they'll get into my house. Why go through all the trouble of securing a door when there's a large glass window 5 ft away on either side?
"movies about making other culture, of course"