
I don't see how touch has anything to do with it... besides touch being the means by which we've made functional computing hand-held and portable. My attachment to my phone has very little to do with the 'intimacy of touch'... and a whole lot more to do with my conditioning toward constant stimulation.

Yeah... when it came out (just after Snowden's initial revelations) that the US and Britain were spying on G20 allies my first thought was; "isn't every country with a worthwhile intelligence apparatus?"

Having barely read the article... I'm tired of this crap. Parenting does not merely consist of prohibiting questionable media. A child who is sane and has a fairly healthy grip on reality can handle movies and video games. The kids who can't are either disabled or have parents that have fucked them up by some other

Sounds like you're proving my point. I didn't say it was good or fair, it's just an empty thing to waste time and energy complaining about. Skip straight to the banana situation and people will be less inclined to roll their eyes at you.

"Osama (RIP)"

I think you're projecting.

Not to be ugly, but this is why the United States lays claim to the name of the continent that it principally dominates. And this. When all that inevitably changes, we can use some other name.

Catholic/Conservative AM stations are fun to listen to every once in a while. NPR is alright. Music is awful.

get over yourself

You don't find 18/19 year old ladies attractive?

Akira is for fags, faggot. Death note and FMA >>> Ghost in the Shell... faggot.

Fault? What are you on about? The internet is abound with cunts. Stop taking them seriously.

And that's when you click 'block'.

That's really not a very good definition of the word, even as it is frequently used. Even when people use the word to describe something that is, in fact, not literal, they don't mean to 'acknowledge that something is not literally true'. The second part of google's #2 definition should stand alone... 'used for

Haven't we always known that fighting ordinary forest fires leaves more underbrush, detritus, etc... to burn at a later date? The issue is that people have summer homes where those small, ordinary fires would otherwise run their course.

what, do you disagree?

Honestly.... I think 2 girls 1 cup and other videos of that ilk are ultimately good for society.

"I'm currently married with 2 kids, and doing pretty okay now."

Only one boob?