
I've never subscribed, but I've picked up a few issues at book stores over the years. Edge is not only the best video game magazine, but by far the most well designed magazine I've ever read. Unlike a lot of game magazines, which focus on nothing but previews and reviews, Edge does a really great job of covering

yeah, blame the comment system. I meant to respond to the other guy


That just makes me even more terrified of them. They EAT SPIDERS. Anything that eats spiders must be a horrific monster.

haha, yeah, no. I'm talking about these.

Yeah... but Gabe was sort of right about the PS3. It's a comparatively foreign development environment, which requires quite a bit of extra work to port to. Steam support encouraged Valve to embrace the PS3, but note that they always have and continue to support the 360... despite the fact that it's a much more

Game support is important because the people who are tech savvy enough to adopt a less popular platform like Linux tend to be of the sort who play games, and care the most about game support. If more games worked on Linux, those who play them might be willing to make the switch, which would make the platform more

Nice post... but what's wrong with Aero!?!? I was definitely annoyed by the extent to which they focused on it in their HORRIBLE advertisements... but what's wrong with it?

Yeah, I've heard it thrown around quite a bit here in Ohio as well. That, and saying 'Earwig' when referring to a Centipede.

Spiders that aren't tiny definitely scare the crap out of me, but my fear of spiders has begun to be replaced by an even greater fear of centipedes. When I know there's a centipede in the bathroom (where I usually find them, which is annoying given that it's the one place where I am most often not wearing shoes, and

Mayflies are these little fuckers, which swarm coastal areas like crazy in the spring (to the point where every step you take within a 1500 ft radius of a dock is met with a crunch.) They live to breed, and are completely defenseless, and without any form of survival instinct. You can pick them up and pull them apart

from the video: "China declares all of the South China Sea as Chines TERRORitorial waters."

I think it just means that it lives up to some government, or military standard, or that it's the same brand of knife used by the armed forces

Every server I've ever been in, at least in source, the second someone utters anything close to the n-word, admins are all over him

No, but he could just come out and call them childish, or immature... and not fall into their trap by getting angry, or insulted

So the line, "especially if you'll cause 400 million in damage" should be read as "especially if you're the kind of guy who's willing to cause 400 million in damage"?

Most of the time, when I'm just sitting at my computer doing nothing in particular, I'm listening to a Podcast... and any time I feel the need to do something constructive around the house, I absolutely have to have one going.

As a person who has never, and likely will never buy an Apple product, I think this ruling is pretty unfair. Samsung did copy Apple, as did ASUS, and Google, and just about every other consumer electronics company that's made a tablet in the past couple of years.

yeah, I feel the same way. So far I've bought... Dear Esther... for $2.50

1, 2 & 3 all had Tobey Maguire in them so...