
What you just described is exactly the point I was trying to make. There is no male equivalent of the word "girl," as it is popularly used. In this case, the person was female, so Sorkin called her 'internet girl.' Were it a man, he would have said something like "douche bag from the internet."

It's a very bad thing

I'll agree that the first one was in fact uninformed, but you can't really expect a TV show writer to know the background of everyone who writes about him.

She writes for some Canadian newspaper... but she also runs a blog... and I'm willing to bet that Sorkin was referring to her in that capacity. Calling her "internet girl" was likely meant to be demeaning toward bloggers, not women. If your response had been focused on arguing that blogs (such as the one you write

"Sorkin really has a problem with women, and I couldn't care less except that I wish he kept it out of his shows."

"That makes me feel unwelcome. I don't want to make this a big issue or confrontational thing…. But the thing is, I show up, and I want my shirt, and I don't want to be told that I can sleep in it."

Same here

We can only hope so

Nintendo sold more units by throwing in the towel and going for a different market, and Sony sold consoles at even greater losses than Microsoft ever did.

Yeah, what the hell is wrong with docking solutions? Microsoft needs to offer something that Apple doesn't, and Apple's obsession with minimalist design solutions is annoying.

I agree. Being that it's Microsoft, I'm sure there will be some kind of xbox integration, but I'd be quite a bit turned off if they called it something like "The X-Pad"

I could imagine a partnership with Barnes&Noble, with pre-installed, nook branded software. I don't think they'd slap that name on the tablet itself.

Asus is working on Win8 tablets as well

Okay, Hal 9000 wasn't evil either. He was just malfunctioning, and concerned for his own survival.

A) I didn't know that. That makes a lot of sense though. Although Blade Runner is somewhat disjointed and weird, I still think it's a great movie.

Ok. Time for me to vent... and to explain why this movie was the most poorly written pile of disappointment I've ever seen.

There's a difference between plot/story and writing. Alien had a fairly simple plot, but was incredibly well written. The dialogue was great. The pacing was perfect. Each character had a subtle and unique personality. Nothing was spelled out to you. Everything was incorporated thoughtfully into the script.

I really can't stand the sort of people who follow their religion so closely to the letter that they bother themselves with technicalities like that... Like people who, in accordance with their faith, refuse to eat certain foods because they contain certain blends of vanilla which contain trace amounts of caffeine, or

yes, but it never had an actual questline associated with it

My biggest complaint with Skyrim was that there wasn't any sort of vampire quest line (aside from the one to rid yourself of vampirism.)