
GTA is humorous, but I think it's a somewhat more intelligent kind of humor. I haven't played too much of any Saints Row game, but they seem to focus pretty exclusively on being as gratuitously silly/violent as possible. GTA has a lot of gratuitous violence, but it also does a good job of parodying American culture.

I honestly like the zero-checkpoint mission structure of GTA. The only thing I'd like them to change about it is having to re-do the long ass car drives TO the mission area. When you die during a mission, and respawn at the hospital, you should be given the option to either restart the mission entirely, or restart at

I feel like the whole concept of male birth control interferes with some weird, ongoing cultural ideas about gender. I can't really see this being used so much in committed relationships, in a world where it has always been the woman's responsibility. It feels weird that in a committed relationship, the male would be

cell-shaded looks nice, but it always gives me a head ache for the first week I play a game with it -_-

He means he replied to your comment in order to promote it, and make it more visible :P

yeah, figure out nuclear fusion, and use it for power and ocean water desalinization.

YES. This looks great. I love the idea of modern adventure/exploration games, fully fleshed out. I only wish I were less stupid, and could figure out all the puzzles.

I think the whole point of all these projects is to transform Dubai into a tourist economy, BECAUSE they're running out of oil

Claim: He didn't understand how email worked

I'm on it and I generally do just fine... but there are definitely days when I take it late, or for the first time after a weekend, and the effects seem intensified, and I'm too high strung to get into it

I love Ketchup. It's one of those rare things that make me feel sort of patriotic... or at least proud of my white-skinned, American culture. Heinz Ketchup, Saturn V's, Apache Helicopters, and Red Dawn.

It's 79 -_-

That makes sense, but I still feel kind of apprehensive about it. The greatest science fiction movies came out of the 80's. I love the level of grit... big hulking space ships, computers with nothing but green text, 80's high fashion (blade runner,) and cigarettes EVERYWHERE. I get that this is a more advanced,

A $150 video card can last you a good 5 years. You just won't be able to run games at the highest settings after the first 2.

On the smaller version microsoft later released, the black and white buttons were placed under the main face buttons, and you could easily hit (at least one of) them by bending your thumb inward, and tapping it with the inside of your second knuckle, without moving it from its resting position. I only remember because

I honestly never have bad experiences with people in movie theaters, exept maybe going to see more juvenile comedies. I also live in Ohio... and people here are pretty temperate I guess.

lol, I know, I thought you were just complaining that those upset about high prices don't understand the other investments involved in making a new console.

Now playing

We already have a movie. It's not Oscar-material, and I'm sure it's very exaggerated and inaccurate, but it's a good and entertaining movie with lots of culture.

What makes you think our descendants will be anything but worse?

I don't necessarily think it's demonstrative of ignorance or stupidity, but I think it probably requires that you be a bit oblivious to the world around you. I learned about the Titanic through the movie (I think I was 5 at the time,) and I think we did actually talk about it in school, though I'm sure the teachers