Honestly, I think the history channel has become just as trashy. Every time I turn it on, it's either some silly ancient aliens show, or some exploitative Hitler documentary with a deliberately deep-voiced narrator.
Honestly, I think the history channel has become just as trashy. Every time I turn it on, it's either some silly ancient aliens show, or some exploitative Hitler documentary with a deliberately deep-voiced narrator.
I don't understand why companies keep making these shitty live action trailers.
Is that Sarah Connor?
Remeber that gopher in Animal Crossing that would pop out of the ground and yell at you every time you turned off your Gamecube without saving first? I'm pretty sure that's what he means.
You know, I'm not completely opposed to the concept of paying for multiplayer... if it means a more unified system... which doesn't do away with user-made content, privately-controlled servers, and all that good stuff. I think the problem would be that no one is really in a position to monopolize PC multiplayer like…
I think you mean : bom bom bom bom ba-bom bom ba-bom.
Really? I was thinking ass
Gears of War PC used Games for Windows Live right? I think that explains things well enough.
For now, I'm just gonna operate on the assumption that it's going to be some god-awful, free2play browser game... but I really hope it isn't. Epic is one of the few companies that seems at all interested in creating solid multiplayer games that don't obsess over enormous player-counts, and the emulation of real life.
or neither
I think the reason people get upset about it is because both Microsoft and (especially) Sony have a history of taking considerable losses on hardware sales, and making it up from game licensing. Back when people were complaining about the PS3 being "overpriced," Sony was losing well over $100 per unit.
I think skirts are the most attractive article of clothing that a girl could possibly wear... which I guess says nothing against your point. At a deeper psychological level, women probably wear skirts because it gives potential mates a glimpse of skin, and the implication of things being unguarded... but that doesn't…
The skirts they wear are likely very long
He looks nice with the beard
I don't mind it being available in the case of a protagonist who doesn't even have a pre-determined gender, but I definitely agree that not every game featuring possible sexual activity needs to include a gay option.
I don't understand how you could possibly not notice a lump. I think the problem is more likely that men feel them, and rationalize themselves out of seeing a doctor about it. We have a tendency to do that.
and they tend to be made with really awful, bumpy, irritating material that rubs the pads of your fingers raw