
Put didn't used to be this strict. Someone I met whomis in their 70s had a shotgun grandfathered in, though the police must have a map of its location. We need these laws here in the US. If you think you need a gun, what you actually need is psychotherapy for yiur paranoia or violent tendencies

*receives a free pitchfork*

*starts handing out torches and pitchforks*

Five years later...

I see three types. Derivatives of Bejeweled, Farmville-esque and Casino games.


Back to back Metal Gear. Now that's a good few weeks of fun!

Nice Mustard Race-bait article.

From FOX:
The irresponsible behavior exhibited by a young man who's tarnished brain robbed him of all common sense shown today is appalling. The subject showed ignorance of danger, while simultaneously disrespecting the elderly by forcing him out of his house.

Except it doesn't really look like Halo. It looks a lot like a Bioware game, actually.

Agreed, GTA5 was ok, but Aliens: Colonial Marines should have won.

Well this will at the very least weed out some of the riff raff from Xbox Live.

I want to go to that field... It looks nice.

I find it ironic that the meme came out of a joke that was meant to criticize the elitism of PC gamers by comparing it to Nazi ideology. Adopted by the very same people Yahtzee was ridiculing, like pasting a kick me sign on your chest and shoving it in everyone's face. I find it elegant in a way that the "PC Master

Thank you so much! I almost shat myself laughing, but honestly I rarely find amusement in misspelled words in the comments...but for some reason this hit me, lol thanks!

Meh typo, kinja refuses to let me edit posts. Got a chuckle out of me though.

Did they tap it first?

"real, legitimate athletes." aren't contractually obligated to not be seen playing other games. Any tournament with that sort of entrance barrier isn't a competition, it's a paid PR event.

comparing COD games for graphical prowess is like comparing a steaming pile of moist human feces to a fresh turd with undigested corn; both versions are crap smearing on ur screen. I'll... walk away now...