
I don't think this qualifies as part of The Bobster T. Effectâ„¢ since PC wasn't mentioned in the article.

I said this!

oh my gosh, climbing trees in a park? taking pictures? blocking paths?! the horror!

I was hoping for at least the smallest mention of nude photoshoots.

Yeah, I figured it was a Kinja issue, it's kind of been screwing us all over recently. But, you know, you posted something kinda douchey, so I posted something kinda douchey in response. You got sarcastic in your response, so I made my response to that sarcastic too.

I'm sorry, I couldn't resist =3

Very true. Those 10 Wii-U owners are the nicest folks on the planet.

Miiverse responses-

yeah, it really doesn't like windows 8. I hear it's really crashy on that. it runs fine on the latest version on windows 7 though

Iraqis seem to think they're the bomb.

A day after Amazon Prime Air launches, I will bet cash money (say... 50p) that someone will either shoot a drone out of the air with a gun, or ensnare it with a big net to get the goods.

Things like this baffle me, I'd never hand over money for something without seeing it first. People can't be trusted!

Yesterday I came across this on Miiverse. It was on that Barbie game's community.

I don't see any cute there. Just horrifying, terrible nightmares.

Please don't tell me we have to enter our age every single time we get to a "mature" post.