Gross. I guess what I'm trying to say is: play Lunar Eternal Blue Complete, because it's got great fonts.
Gross. I guess what I'm trying to say is: play Lunar Eternal Blue Complete, because it's got great fonts.
When I was a kid, I sometimes took weekend trips to my grandparents' house in Queens. I told my parents it was to "visit" and "spend time with them," but really it was so I could binge on JRPGs.
My "confession of a Final Fantasy addict" is that I grew up on Final Fantasy from the NES days, played all the major new releases, loved the majority of them, and treasure those golden SNES/Playstation 1 days.
There is no why. They're Irrational.
So, let me see if I have this down:
You're SUPER MAD ABOUT VIDEOGAMES because "Whaaaaaa! Some people don't like this thing I like and they're big meanies and they're ruining everything and they should stop having opinions about stuff!"
Are you 12?
For that matter, does reading negative stuff about a thing you like…
Anyone who uses the term haters seriously needs help. I don't care what Japan thinks, I thought the first two games blew, so I won't be touching this
This is ridiculous. I didn't hate FFXIII because I'm a consistency-lovin' American who sits on my ass playing FPS all day. I hated it because it was a steaming pile of crap, a poorly told story with non-existent characters. Of course, some people like steaming piles of crap, and more power to them. Some people watch…
It's weird how dumb this comment is.
You are aware the story sucks right?
Or perhaps we genuinely just don't like them?
Or maybe the west just stopped giving it a pass, unlike Japan just because its Final Fantasy.
Remember when "Final Fantasy" meant "this is going to be a great experience"?
If The Last of Us is what game devs consider "innovative", then the game industry is in a very sorry state indeed.
I really need to research what these different topics need, because I just didn't feel like Last of Us was that great of a game. It had it's misses for the first half of the game before it felt like it really started to click.
I hate to say it because it's still a "good game," but Jesus effin' Christ is The Last of Us overrated. Is the world well designed? Yes, of course. Is it well acted? Indeed. Good story? Sure. But its entire forward gameplay momentum is ridiculously one-note. You're basically just skulking around from one round of…
While I enjoyed The Last Of Us, I'm not sure how they got some of the awards. Namely, the innovation one. That clearly should have been Tearaway, which actually was innovative.
Opinion does not equal objective fact.