
Character: Garrus Vakarian

Now playing

Game Name: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Now playing

Game Name: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

The last Call of Duty game I played was World at War, so it was a while back. I loved the first two games on PC, but I always thought even back then that the spawn points were a little stupid. Not quite as bad as in this video, but it was still annoying. I've lost count of the amount of times I have been spawn raped

As a self-confessed Sega fanboy still to this day I MUST get this!!!

Oh fair enough then mate, I thought you were actually trying to bash the DS. My bad.

The DS was awesome. The PSP, its main competitor, never stood against it. And I'm not just talking about sales, I'm talking about games too. The DS killed it.

Magikarp is ace solely because it evolves in to my favourite Pokemon.

Phantasy Star IV is simply amazing, and was only behind Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy VI as one of the best RPG of its time - or any time for that matter. If I could point to any one game that showcased how to best refine a series, Phantasy Star IV would be that game. It played like Phantasy Star, felt like

As far as I know (I may be wrong though) Thief: The Dark Project and Thief II: The Metal Age, two of my all-time favourite PC games, aren't available on Steam. You can pick them up on Good Old Games if you want to give them a try though.

I always get super excited whenever a new Pokemon duo is nearing release. But I've not been this excited since Gold and Silver, which are the best in the series by quite a margin as far as I'm concerned. I played Gold again earlier this year, and it was still just as awesome as it was over a decade ago.

The chances of charity shops having $5 copies of The Wind Waker in on a regular basis is almost zero though, especially when The Wind Waker sold less than all the other 3D Zelda games other than Majora's Mask, making it generally more difficult to find anyway.

To be fair they have completely remade the game from the ground up. This isn't just some crappy up-scaling like most other HD remakes.

But it isn't a HD remake because, I don't know, it isn't HD.

In Britain you can pick it up for about £20 sometimes.

Been with the series since the beginning. Absolutely love it. A lot have voiced opinions stating that the series hasn't changed much, but I wouldn't change it for the world.

I'd love to see PD Saga 2. I would literally shit my pants if that happened.

I fucking love Panzer Dragoon, so much so that I was still interested in this when it required Kinect. It's such a shame it won't come to PS4 or Wii U though, because I hold no interest in the Xbone. Still, I can't have it all. I hope those who buy the Xbone enjoy this game.