
When it is in 3D it looks a lot like a Mother game would be like in 3D. This looks very interesting as The Legend of Zelda and Final Fantasy are my two favourite franchises.

At their creative peak Lucas Arts were one of the best developers in the industry. Their 90's adventure games are still fantastic to this day, as are quite a few of their Star Wars titles.

1313 looked promising, but that didn't mean it was going to be any good. Personally I felt it would probably have been a let down. Although Lucas Arts themselves haven't made any truly great games for quite a few years I'm still surprised that Disney did this.

I love Dragon Ball, but there are far too many transformations. There was a joy in seeing the basic Super Saiyan form for the first time. It came at a time when it was really needed, Frieza had just survived the Spirit Bomb and killed Krillin and nearly killed Piccolo. Also the build up to it, with Vegeta constantly

I'm sure a lot of people thought the original version would be "one hell of a great game." I actually feel Square Enix have reached a point where they simply can't create great games on consoles/PC anymore. Their best releases this generation have been Dragon Quest IX and The World Ends With You - 2 DS titles.

The original looks like it has a hell of a lot more charm to it. I personally love how the 16-bit Final Fantasy games still look today. There's just something I love about classic 2D games.

It would be so much better if it was set a hundred or even a thousand years after Return of the Jedi. I know the original cast are some of the most loved cast in cinema history, but by using them again I get the feeling they are bogged down by the legacy of the original trilogy. Star over from scratch, cut all ties.

The load times currently are ridiculous. The update seems to fix this, but I won't really compare until I have seen it on my Wii U for myself.

Hey, the original Star Wars figures weren't crummy, they had a hell of a lot more charm then the crap Hasbro produce today.

As a Mother fan I will never lose hope :P

I really hope this gets released in North America and Europe. I already own EarthBound for the SNES, but because it was pre-owned Nintendo received nothing from my purchase. I want to prove to Nintendo that there are Mother fans in the west, and I feel the only way to do this would be to buy this off the Virtual

Their marketing for the Wii was spot-on, but it seems even Nintendo are at a loss when it comes to marketing the Wii U as a viable console. It's a shame really, because it certainly has potential, but the lackluster sales are Nintendo 's own problem. Here in Great Britain I can't remember seeing more than maybe 3

As far as I'm concerned you didn't miss anything. I actually regard Final Fantasy X equal with Final Fantasy XIII as the lowest point in the history of the main series (aside from XI and XIV, I class them differently with them being MMORPGs). Uninteresting story, horrible main character, the Sphere Grid is dreadful

I wouldn't make a remark about two games if I hadn't played either of them properly. But, for the sake of it, if I take your perspective then you didn't really play VII, VIII or IX if you didn't think they were all that good. At their worst VII, VIII and IX are all far superior or X. All X had was a crappy convoluted

I grew up playing RPGs with turn-based combat. I've always loved turn-based RPGs, but because they can look complicated they've gone out of fashion as RPGs have gone more action-focused to attract wider audiences.

Ultimately the Wii was a great little console. Yes, it lacked HD graphics, a fleshed out online network and couldn't play multi-platform games without them suffering serious changes, but that isn't what the Wii was about. It was about connecting people, but not across the internet. It brought families together. I

Well, Pandora's Tower is the worst of the three, so take that with a pinch of salt. In regards to Xenoblade Chronicles and The Last Story, if you weren't a fan I can't really argue. Everyone has different opinions. But I felt they were great games, especially Xenoblade. I put 110 hours in to it and by the end I was

I would have to highly disagree with this sentiment.

Ni no Kuni has a hell of a lot of charm to it. Reminds me of the golden age of JRPGs between the 16 and 32 bit eras.

I can't see it being competitive with consoles when it has a $1000 price tag. Maybe I'll be proven wrong (it is intriguing), but this shouldn't pose a threat to already established consoles.