This is weak. I'm sorry he hurt your feelings and whatever but quite frankly, you don't hire someone to write for you who's been banned from feminist websites and blogs because he's a raging misogynistic gaslighting asshole and then act offended when he behaves as a raging misogynistic gaslighting asshole.
Actually, you ARE defending Hugo. Additionally, what you are doing is very typical whitesplaining. "I demand that you show me evidence of what you are saying in order for me to decide whether or not it is valid." Oh, DID do a cursory glance, and you got "very angry" blogs without enough salacious details…
Are you serious? Is Google broken on your computer, or are you just that damn lazy?
You didn't materially benefit? Oh, happy day... I guess some time in the last two years Jezebel cut ties with Gawker Media and no longer operates on a clickbait model of "stimulating discourse" and we all just missed it?
If this was another magazine/website, Jez would be tearing them a new one. There would be some huge, overly snarky headline about how another magazine had a feminist expert who turned out to be a woman abusing student fucker. I find it completely unacceptable after how cavalierly Jezebel has hurled judgments on other…
I disagree. I think once it was known that he was a creep, his articles should have ceased—no matter how "good" they were or how much discussion they brought. He was just playing us for the attention.
Yes. It did. You are obnoxious, and your use of "fuck" when women didn't immediately respond to your weird paternalistic comment with gratitude and congratulations was kind of violent.
I know this because I am a man who also in the past have used swearwords to communicate an air of threat and violence. Look at your…
When it comes to human rights, I don't joke around.
What the fuck Deadspin? Did Braun stop by last week and give everyone hummers? All we've seen from you fuckers since yesterday afternoon is "Braun doesn't need to apologize," "baseball suspended Braun for 'something," "Braun can use the time to recover from nagging injuries," blah, blah, braun. He's a fucking cheater…
Because baseball people are so fanatical (and nauseating) about the purity and innocence of their golly-gee-whiz-what-a-game! sport, they've tricked its officials into foolishly pursuing the goal of a game that's 100% clean, which is both impossible and, frankly, dull.
Are the writers at Deadspin in line to suck Brauns cock or something? What the fuck does he have on your editor or writers for you guys to be so firmly in his lying, cheating corner?
Are you serious, Drew? You don't know why baseball is bending over backwards to nail Ryan Braun to the floor?
I am a Deadspin loyalist, but the insistence on promoting the counternarrative at all times gets to be as stale as the narrative. Look, Braun cheated. Did baseball cross the line in the investigation? That's possible But Ryan Braun also ruined a guy's life last year to get off on a technicality. I think it's…
Meh...I think this latest was more a way to get back at some guys who basically gave the finger to the league and then tried to paint the league and its processes as incompetent/nefarious.
And I bet you have a black and white film camera too?
I feel like this law is also probably a dig at his wife. "Sorry honey, can't do oral tonight it's illegal." Also how on earth is this expected to be enforced? Are there going to be Moral Oral police?
Yeah but guys, economics.
The topic is worthy of a discussion, no doubt, but there is so much more here than an artist could convey. In a way, I think the tenor of the piece and posts here with their shallow interpretation of global macroeconomics are equally uninformed about the specific state of Haiti and make grand decisions for the people…