1. Yes you are.
1. Yes you are.
Or, like most people who have 'inside info' that runs counter to public perception, you actually just made that up because you don't like the movies.
Keep telling yourself it's not racist to expect POC to do your work for you in trying to understand where they're coming form. Maybe someday it will be true.
What you white people need to understand is that when you ask for proof, you communicate both a lack of belief and shift the burden of racism on to the oppressed yet again. If you found all the other shit about Hugo but missed the WOC stuff, you intentionally skipped it, because it doesn't interest you, or you're…
You know this guy is a total defect, and yet you really think the lady of color came in here and made up some crap about him being racist? Holy shit.
I wouldn't call it a let down, but definitely a sign that this person doesn't really want my penis in her mouth. I'd be appreciative of the gesture, but avoid letting happen again.
I have visions of the rest of your body deflating.
Wasn't that Charlie Rose?
It will also be a victory for the Democrats because those two guys are no good.
Sincerity: I don't see it in his words. I see a person staring lovingly in the mirror describing the better person he sees born from his mini mistake.
Look to your right.
I'm sure these men are also glad you stay away from them.
Her point is good. Yours is not. Weird.
(I'd venture a guess that technology isn't why your phone doesn't ring. Seek the attitude that makes you record such an inviting message in the first place.)
I seriously can't believe you answered that with no sense of irony. Comedy gold.
The age old expression comes to mind. If you wake up in the morning and think you met an asshole, you probably met an asshole. If you go to bed at night and think everyone you met was an asshole, then the asshole probably is you.
This is a disgusting overgeneralization based on a couple youtube videos, bub.
Yawn. That's some lazy shit there, Bob. First off, not every state in the US has the death penalty (plus, the ones that do have activist groups opposing it every election cycle). Even the ones that do don't let children in to cheer. It is treated as a grim duty.
I can practically hear the photog telling the subjects to stop smiling.
Your employers don't own you. If they don't treat you with respect, why should you show then any in return? Email or text is just fine, that way they don't waste any time trying to track you down to yell at you some more. The kinds of workplace that a person wants to leave via email or text is not a place you want…