
Wow! The “hey” is something that I’ve actually noticed after sex. Oddly enough, in my experience, the genders were inverted. As a straight male, I’ve been “hey’d” enough times that it has actually’s made me wonder. My internal thought after returning the post-coitus “hey” eventually became “aren’t we a little past

This is a 30-screenplay I wrote in response to Trump’s comment. Is anybody out there good with video editing? If so, would you please make this and share it. (Sorry about the weird formatting.)

What could be the material that’s actually burning? Lubricating oil? Insulation?

Stephen Sondheim has an artistic principle that says content dictates form. Up is an example of putting this principle to good use. The way the scoring staff reprises an introduced musical motif parallels what happens in the entire film.

I loooooove using reprises in my compositions.

...PARTICULARLY PEOPLE WHO HAVE AN M.D. FROM HARVARD MED AND SHOULD FUCKING KNOW BETTER! Either Jill Stein is a complete quack as a physician, or she is pandering to the loons. One way or another, it’s disgusting.

I’m sorry I couldn’t star this more than once.

Speeding, you are not alone. The first people from Israel I ever actually meet in person were from Tel Aviv and we meet in grad school. They reenforced my instinctive feeling that a government can never uniformly represent its people. Bibi’s actions continually piss me off, but the fact Daphny and Or are incredibly

Thank you for the desert-dry delivery.

Ah, it’s our old friend the Appeal to Ignorance argument!

The visitor locker room at Oracle must smell amazing right now.

My mom’s a doctor whose field is public health, and she and her colleagues are genuinely concerned about Zika to a degree that they haven’t been about a new illness in some time— much more so than with SARS or Ebola.

This might be a good time to also point out that a lot of cosmetic contact lenses are not packaged in an adequately sanitary way, and this could potentially expose you to eye destroying infections. Also, you should never store your contacts in water for the same reason.

“Not all of his shirt, mind you, because he didn’t ‘want to, like, die,’”

This might deserve to be a step or two higher simply for the Brain’s plan to immunize Pinky and himself from the effects of the cessation of the Earth’s spin: “Because we will be duct-taped to a tree.”

So sorry.

My grandfather was a “Mickey-Man” on a B-17 pathfinder (late war B-17 equipped with a radar array that led the bomber formations when the target was covered by clouds). He said the worst part about the unpressurized cabins was that saliva and vomit would freeze the the oxygen tubes shut in their breathing masks, which

This is probably Ludacris’s boilerplate contract ride for when he tours. A lot of bands ask for stuff like toiletries and clean underwear when they tour, because, being on a bus and going directly from show to show, the venues are often the only chance they have to shower for long stretches between hotel stays.

Raptors’ starting team for Saturday.