
If they’re going to do this, they will need to be very careful that Mr. Macintosh doesn’t learn to start eating it. If Mr. Macintosh gets caught in a cycle where he’s compulsively eating his poops, he may have to be euthanized if trainers are unable to break it.

What the hell else would Trump do with a song written by an immigrant who came to the United States as a refugee?

To me she will always be BW3.

This hill in particular is pretty forgiving (I’ve personally rolled down it). The grass is long, the soil is soft, damp, and mostly free of rocks. Yes, I managed to avoid injury by pretty much rolling. What the article doesn’t mention is that this hill is absolutely covered in sheep shit (which is also kind of soft).

I have gone careening down this hill in a very similar manner (as a result of having been a twenty-something with serious impulse control issues)— Not a similar hill, but this specific hill in Chipping Campden. The grass is deep and the ground is soft. Most of the resulting injuries were friction burns from the grass.

The Broadway League would probably start seeing record profit from a whole new demographic in merchandising if theaters started hawking porn in the gift shops. 

A big problem is that Actors Equity and United Scenic Artists (actors and designers unions, respectively) are pretty opposed to publicly showing video of professional theatre performances.

Yeah, the performing arts library archives performances of almost every Broadway show that you can watch at the library for free by appointment. Unfortunately, that still means you have to physically get to Lincoln Center. It would be great if libraries through out the country could bet copies of the performances so

China’s in a weird spot with North Korea. It’s pretty clear China doesn’t like the Kims. Propping up the DPRK is a huge drain on China, whose goal is ultimately to be an economic superpower—Having to babysit North Korea is a fairly big distraction from that.

It is extraordinarily well written. I strongly recommend it.

There’s an engrossing book called The Orphan Master’s Son. It’s fiction, but the author really did his homework and created a vivid imagining of what daily life is like in North Korea for the average person. The great thing about the book it is that unlike the dry, clinical, abstract terms most in which most of us

Next week: smash your TV to protest networks broadcasting the NFL and its kneeling players. Week after that: set your house on fire to protest Obamacare.

Thanks. I celebrate a sobriety anniversary this month. It’s going well.

Addicts. You’d be amazed the shit we attempt and what we’re on while we’re using.

As a recovering alcoholic and addict myself, I was thinking the same thing. He is at least is showing the self-awareness that is necessary for recovery. Whether or not that will turn into actual recover is up to him. Nonetheless, I’m encouraged to see this and wish him well.

Context makes a fair defense for the creation of candy corn: in the 19th century the only flavors humanity had actually identified were dust and cholera.

Austin has completed its transformation form lovable slacker to Every-Yuppie-Villan-From-An-80's-Comedy-Film.

If anyone is considering using a kubaton, check on its legality where you live. You might be surprised. They’re illegal in New York City. While effective kubatons are effective for self-defense, they might also get you into needless legal trouble.

Athletes’ physical grace always awes me (as I have none). Check out her form as she does this. She’s poised and her body posture indicates she’s totally in command of her movement. Everything she is doing looks like it was intentionally executed rather than just being desperate flailing that luckily paid off.