

A little shocked to not see good ol' Yersinia pestis,

If this is an inappropriate way to tip, I'm afraid I owe a lot of apologies to a lot of cabbies.

You make a good point about the growth of the population, but what worries me more than the actual population is the carrying capacity. If that goes down faster than the population, it's still going to be a bumpy ride. Technology has allowed us to expand that capacity, and that's a good thing for the most part, but

Thank you so much!

This seems like it might hold up under scrutiny given that this was during the Medieval Warm Period: a time which also created a boom in the European population. The Mongolian Empire also peaked around 1300: the beginning of the Little Ice Age.

Is there anyone who understands orbital mechanics that could please explain to me what "L2" and a "halo orbit" are in lay terms? I'm having trouble wrapping my head around what this means. From what I think this means, the JWST will be beyond the orbit of the Moon, which seems pretty badass for a satellite. If so,

...And it looks like a Imperial Star Destroyer.


Since we're going to be headed that way, perhaps we should consider Mr. Toynbee's idea.

Data collection: it's why God gave researchers grad students.

That sounds just like something one of the Men in Black would say...Have they gotten to you too?

"Sen. Dick Lugar" might be the only person on Earth with a name manly enough to be able to look him in the one eye he has left.

Am I ever elated NASA made it a priority to repair that thing. Now, Congress, will you please start funding SETI again? Please! This can count as both a birthday and Christmas present!

Am I ever elated NASA made it a priority to repair that thing. Now, Congress, will you please start funding SETI again? This can count as both a birthday and Christmas present!

Am I the only one who's ceaselessly creeped out by the image of a gargantuan airship with a swastika fin flash hovering over New York?

How was my day? Eh, just operated a machine that could potentially saw the Earth in half and blurs the line between god and mortal. The usual.

It's hard to say which is more badass: the fact your wife actually challenged you to draw 365 dicks in 365 days, or that you followed through with it.

Damn, Kimmy Un might be able to spin the darkness into an advantage. If he started leasing out North Korean real estate for astronomical observatories, he could make a killing (finically speaking, of course, as opposed to what he's already callously doing to political prisoners).